May 2018 - Daz3D New User Challenge: Action & Props



  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366

    Here's version c. Tried to adjust the first shadowrunner's position to get her feet more on the ground, gave them a team mate who is just realising that they nead to reload with the last of the rounds they've been firing heading down range and the resulting casing on the ground near them. Finally I tried to tweek the dust that was kicked up from the explosion in the last version.

    And as always an awesome atmosphere.

    But I have to agree with Selina about the right leg of the female runner. It looks somewhat off. I don't know if it is damage done by her own shadow or if her knee is really floating there. Maybe you could angle her footpad to give her some soport, if the knee is meant to be midair?

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Shinji - My tired eyes can't tell if her knee is floating or not, but if the others see it that way, it probably should be addressed. I like the general improvements you've made. 

    @dstuffle - I think you have a good start. Let us know if you want feedback. 

    @HighElf - Interesting shots. I'm so used to giving feedback that I sometimes assume people want it. Let us know if you want any feedback. 

    @Selina - Really glad you're sharing your process. Makes it less intimidating for noobs like myself.


  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366
    edited May 2018
    Wanderer said:


    @HighElf - Interesting shots. I'm so used to giving feedback that I sometimes assume people want it. Let us know if you want any feedback. 



    Let me hear it. Feedback is, why I've posted it here. ;) And that goes to everybody, let me hear your thoughts.

    Post edited by HighElf on
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    @HighElf - Good to know. About all I have to offer right now is - nice to see your idea at this early stage. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the process. I have a fondness for Frazetta/Boris type images with giant snakes and warriors. This should be good.

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    dstuffle said:

    My first draft for this contest.

    Camera angles can be deceptive.  They have fooled me many times so it may be the case here.

    It does not look like the gun is lined up with the individual that has just been shot. 

    I really like the body positioning on the victim.  It looks natural to me. 


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    HighElf said:

    XD Shinji Ikari 9th Not everybody has dealt with the Shadows of Seatle. Ever tried to explain such things to a Decker?


    So here is some kind of Concept board for my attempt this month. I've not implemented the props or final poses yet. I just wanted to move the idea out of my head.


    For those who didn't see my thoughts on this composition. Here is my use of the third grit. I'm using a visual style often called, diagonal. Which means I use the environment to create lines, that draw the attention to a point of interest.

    Interesting scene.  Since you are still working on posing I will wait for the next version.

  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366
    edited May 2018
    Selina said:


    ​   Love the textures and atmosphere, but the camera is too far from the action to make the scene exciting; do you think a different camera angle would help sell the drama?

    If not a different angle, maybe a closer shot with a croped snake will make a difference. I will try some changes on my days off, next week, as well as this original camera position.

    Current To Do list:

    - positioning and prop integration (The Sword)

    - lighting and camera adjustment

    - Postwork (Error correction, atmospheric enhancements, etc.)

    Post edited by HighElf on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited May 2018

    EDIT:  I need to catch up, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.


    Decided not to go the sports route.  Instead, I am creating a DForce prop.  I modeled a butterfly net.  The net part uses DForce, but the shaft and hoop remain stable.  If people want the really nitty gritty details, I'll put them in my Art Studio thread, but here is a summary.


    I modeled a shaft and hoop in Carrara.  I then modeled a solid cone shaped net, which is made to look like a net with the shader channel for "cutout."  The net has two shader domains.  The closest to the shaft has one name and the bulk has another.  I created a DForce dynamic node for the whole prop.  I then set the dynamic setting for the shading domains for the shaft and the part of the net near the hoop to zero, and for the bulk of the net to 1.  That way, the front of the net stays attached to the hoop, but the back of the net can flop around.


    The scene is a dial spun G8F in TangoAlpha's Jackson Field set.  


    the mesh for the net

    shader opacity map to make the solid cone look like a cutout net

    In Studio, surfaces simulations setting set to one for dynamic for main net, this is set to zero for the shaft, etc.

    Test render with G8F chasing butterflies in TangoAlpha's Jackson's Field


    aa86 uvmap the net.JPG
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    Pattern white lines black background.jpg
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    aa99b dynamic settig for net main set to one.JPG
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    butterfly 99b.jpg
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    Post edited by Diomede on
  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • RobotHeadArtRobotHeadArt Posts: 917
    dstuffle said:

    My first draft for this contest.

    Here are some ideas on how to increase the drama in this render.  Lines in a picture help guide the eye to areas of most interest.  You have some lines I have drawn in green that are helping guide the eyes from the gun to the figure in the background but then there are some other lines from the walls indicated in red that draw the eyes away from both figures to empty space.  You may want to rearrange the layout of the scene so that these solid lines aren't going across the entirety of the frame.  You might also think about adding some scenery with solid lines as indicated in blue lines to help further focus the eyes on the background figure.  The background figure is hard to distinguish from the scenery so you may want to add some rim lighting to the background figure to separate them from the wall or adjust the colors so there is more contrast between the figure and the walls.  Another thing to increase the drama, you could add a very subtle depth of field to the camera so that the foreground figure's right shoulder is very slightly out of focus.


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  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    Selina said:

    The reason that the second shadow runner's rifle does not have a flash is due to the fact that it's already died down after the last round left the barrel. As it is he's having to reload for crying out loud.

    I don't understand your outburst! I didn't mention the lack of flashes on any barrel. I was referring to the hard edged squashed spheres and suggested you added a soft edge, perhaps through Fresnel.

    I can see that you didn't appreciate my genuine comment so I won't be makes any further ones and find phrases such as "..for crying out loud" unnecessary.

    I'm not a gamer, not interested in violence, don't care to know the technical term for bullet flashes and am here as a beginner to learn about modelling, lighting, texturing, animation primarily using Daz3D software.


    Sorry if I was rather rough with my reply Selina, but at the time I should have been trying to get some sleep for work today and more then likely wasn't typing with a full deck. I just typed what came to mind at the time.  I like any feedback I can get and try to use it to make things better as the month goes, and try and to be polite with any replies I give, but time and lack of sleep at the moment didn't help. Sorry if I was snappy to anyone, I not like doing that at all.

  • GallowsGallows Posts: 95

    Kinda like the prop, but needs more action.   ...bang...

    700 x 525 - 125K
  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366
    edited May 2018

    So, found a little spare time this morning. :)

    I've played a little bit with the camera (focal length and angle) and adjusted roughly the pose of the babarian for the sword.


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    Post edited by HighElf on
  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192

    I've got version d rendering as I type this, and will try to get it posted before going into work in the morning, otherwise I'll see about getting it put up after I get home.  Turns out my spellcaster's knee was a little bit up off the ground so tried to fix that some.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Gallows said:

    Kinda like the prop, but needs more action.   ...bang...

    The stock ( handle/grip...I hope I got the terminology right ), looks like it is floating.  Is it resting on her thigh?  Is that keeping the muzzle from tipping upward?


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    HighElf said:

    So, found a little spare time this morning. :)

    I've played a little bit with the camera (focal length and angle) and adjusted roughly the pose of the babarian for the sword.


    A few thoughts:

    The door behind the Barbarian looks odd.  If he just came through it the opening is not wide enough.  It does not necessarily need to be open completely.

    The Barbian's upper body is facing the snake but his legs appear to be twisted to much to his left ( our right ).  As mentioned to others it may be the camera angle.

    I know what a pain it can be to pose something like that snake.  I have posed chains 1 link at a time.  Time consuming is an understatement.  I find the snake's lower jaw is open too wide.  A quick Google search and it looks like they do not open them quite that wide.  If it isn't too much trouble I think a bit more profile on the snake's head might help separate the snake from the stairs.  They are both similar in colour.

    I know you worked hard on a new camera angle but I miss seeing the snake's whole body.  Some of his menace is reduced with his body cut off.

    These are just suggestions.  Take them or leave them.  It is your image and your vision.


  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366
    Kismet2012 I take some of them. ;) The door behind will play a greater role in this pic, as soon as I come to the lighting. So please bear with me. XD His lower body is this far off? I hoped to get away with that. :P The Python,... yeah the Python. She is a beauty and a hazzle.
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    There is really, really good advice being given already this month. Makes me excited to get something together to share, but I'm still not ready with even a prototype. I've got some basic tinkerings on my thread, but nothing great. I usually try to comment on everyone's work, but seems like my comments are not as knowledgeable as those being given currently. I just want to encourage everyone to keep going. We're still missing some folks from previous challenges. Hope to see them soon.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited May 2018


    I like Kismets comments and suggestions. I also know how difficult it is to find a good camera position. Maybe you could try something total different.

    Switch to the warrior and place a new camera behind him. It would also be interesting to swap positions of the two adversarys. Let the snake come out of the door. This would also create a great action effect + the snake is in the higher position what makes her even more bigger


    I absultely agree with Selinas and RobotheadArts suggestions. The scene have a lot of potential and the poses from the chars are great.


    I'm deep impressed what you are doing here, that looks like something, I never can do.surprise


    Wow, you people her do things, who are far above my skills. The net looks really pretty.

    I'm not sure about the background. Yeah, that's a nice prop , but when I look at this stables, I expect, the only thing she would catch, are big fat flies. ;)

    I would put her in a nature background and also work a little on the pose. I think, it's hard to catch something running around like this.     *hihi*     


    Cool start. This looks like a moon collided with a planet. It itches me in the fingers to work out the scene.

    A star background, another primitve as sun and maybe a starship whe escape the drama behind him. 

    So many possibilities... I really curious where you will go with that.



    Post edited by daybird on
  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192

    Version D here. As I said in my last post, I adjusted my spellcaster's pose to get her knee on the ground. Also converted her clothes to Iray.(Think I missed her belt though.)

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  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited May 2018

    Thanks for the commens, especially Selina and Daybird.  @Selina, good point about the background.  I love theTangoAlpha set but have decided to use an outdoor HDR instead.  In the following, I am trying to use the dthdr outdoor set.  This is my first time trying to use this kind of HDR in Studio.  Very happy with the lighting, but I have to work on understanding the basics, like how to adjust birghtness, or apply DOF.  Similarly, Ineed to rotate the background a little so that the net is not obscred.  @Daybird, good point about the pose and the background.  Here is an adjusted pose.  Unfortunately, it screws up the current skirt, which is conforming.  I will have to look for a summer dress and hat.

    next iteration - hanami outfit for G3F (substituted generic fabric Iray shaders), and dhtr background from a DIM tutorial.

    test in environment 2.jpg
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  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366
    Noice Diomede. But the scaling seems a little bit off. Is it possible to Reduce her scale without messing the Balance up?
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited May 2018

    Thanks, @HighElf.  Good observation.  Maybe another way to handle the scale issue might be to insert a tree prop that is scaled up, and then blur the background.  That might reduce her relative scale, and I might be able to use the tree to unobscure (is that a word?) the prop.  Definitley an important issue to think about.  Open to these and other ideas.  I'll experiment with scaling her down, maybe inserting a giant butterfly closer to the camera?  Maybe zooming in on her but surrounding her with some tall grass?  Worth pondering.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • I'm a little late to the party, first attempt so everything took longer than I thought. I really think it needs a watermelon but I couldn't find one, sorry Gallagher.

     Vinny the Chin and Fat John were supposed to whack Eddie for past due payments but Vinny never saw this dame he had been stringing along walk up on him. After she thanked Vinny for their time together and Fat John got 2 slices of hot pie on his face in addition to two of Eddie's fingers in his peepers, Eddie ended up with Vinny's gun. He shot Vinny and John both in the ass. Now Eddie is known as Lucky Eddie and he works for the same gang.

    ​Any and all advice is welcome on the mysteries of Daz.


    Ps~Thanks to Wendy aka Wilmap who basically clothed the whole scene~


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  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366

    Daybird I've already thought about switching the two, but currently I'm too stuborn to gave up on the upper perspective diagonal. :P

    Should the Lighting, I have in mind, didn't work, it will be worth a try, later this month.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Version D here. As I said in my last post, I adjusted my spellcaster's pose to get her knee on the ground. Also converted her clothes to Iray.(Think I missed her belt though.)

    This is really coming together nicely Shinji.

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    @Diomede - I just want to say that I think this is progressing nicely, BUT I have a concern about the net area. If I didn't know what she's doing and carrying already, I'd have a really hard time figuring it out because the net seems lost in the details of the background. I hope that's helpful.

  • dstuffledstuffle Posts: 38
    edited May 2018

    I've run through a few drafts of the scene and tried to put all the suggested improvements in (plus a few more people doing other things).


    one less charle V4.jpg
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    Post edited by dstuffle on
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