How to Put Furniture in My New Hotel Room and Bathroom

Hi everyone, 

I'm still pretty new to Daz3d. I just bought a motel, motel room with furnature, and the motel bathroom. The only problem is that the motel room and the motel bathroom didn't come with their room stuctures, it only includes the furnature and bathroom pieces. Do I have to manually put the furnature and bathroom pieces into the actual motel rooms myself? If so, how exactly do I do that? 

Thanks in advance 


  • Which product did you buy?

    If the room is included you normally find everything at enviroments. You can also try right clicking on one of the furniture inside of the smart content and click explore product. Maybe there's a complete setup there.

  • I've figured it out. Basically I have to click the motel room and the bathroom, and then click in the whole motel and the rooms are automatically placed into the motel. I just had to practice a little bit to get it. 


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