Dforce Hair and lag


i have bough my first Dforce stuff, the product i bought is called "classic long hair"  i can't tell it's awesome yet because i'm waiting for the simulation to be done actually xD

once i put the hair on my character, the hair looked kinda crazy (like jackson five or something like that) i guess it's normal, but it was VERY laggy too

is it normal ? same for the simulation it takes a lot of time and my character don't even have clothes and these i no other object in the scene, just hair and character to try it but it's taking lots of time

i think i have a decent computer it's an i5 with 16go of RAM and my graphic card is a GTX 1050

is there any option i should check to get faster?

thank you


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    depends on other factors also like do you have anything else running on your PC in the4 background, etc, what is "lots of time"?. Compared to what a few PAs have said in the forums, your system is below decent (mine also). That being said, this product is a bit heavy on resources, but considering the type of product it is, that is to be expected for decent results. In a posed scene for me it takes about 20-30 minutes to completely finish the simulation. With just the figure and hair I can get it done in 5-10 mins

  • I had photoshop CC 2018 running in the same time, maybe it's because of that... it took me about 50 mins to do the render, with just a character and the hair...

    i wanted to know also if i should do my render with the CPU or Geforce in the photoreal device ?

    the problem for the hair is, how can i try if it's fine or not (like the wind etc...) if it takes like one hour to do the simulation, especially because i don't know the product if i have to do like 5 simulation before getting the effect i want, it could took me like 5 hours ? xD



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