hiding / deleting geo from clothing?

Is it possible to remove or delete a piece of geo from an item of clothing?

I have an item of clothing, that is mde up from three different pieces of geometry. Two of them work great visually for what i need, but the third piece doesnt work ... there's no clear option to hide it in the Posing / shaping tabs.




  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841

    There are a few possibilities depending on how that item is made:

    • if the pieces has its own material zones you can simply set those surfaces completely transparent using opacity slider in surfaces tab
    • If you can't use material zones directly you can create a custom opacity map to set that part invisible
    • you can use Geometry Editor to edit the mesh in DS and hide or remove some parts
    • you could create a custom morph for that item to make that part small enough to be hidden inside the character
  • Thanks. creating a morph might be an option. Curious, if you know if there's a way to GOZ a single piece of clothing to zbrush from a character setup? .. typically when i try to modify a single piece of clothing, it sends everything in the scene to zbrush.

    Thanks again.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841

    Sorry, I don't have Zbrush so I don't know about GOZ.

  • TheCedizTheCediz Posts: 172
    edited April 2018

    Could you not just hide the items from the scene and only keep the item you want to morph before exporting with GoZ?

    When I export an item without GoZ (I never use GoZ) this works for me. 

    Post edited by TheCediz on
  • Even when the items are hidden, it still sends everything. Seems like an oversight of the developers part ... making it easy to just send one item back and forth.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    If you use the Geometry Editor to hide geometry, you can then save your work and then tell DAZ to delete the hidden geometry. I recently did this with a basketball outfit that the shirt and shorts were one piece. I wanted to use the shirt with different pants, so I had to delete the short's geometry.

    Simply hiding isn't good enough, and also the fact that faces are hidden won't be saved, so the unwanted geometry will be back when you reload. But still you want to save the condition of your scene before choosing to delete hidden geometry because there is a better than 50% chance DAZ will crash. It's frustrating, but you just gotta keep retrying until it works--which it will, eventually.

  • Thanks. creating a morph might be an option. Curious, if you know if there's a way to GOZ a single piece of clothing to zbrush from a character setup? .. typically when i try to modify a single piece of clothing, it sends everything in the scene to zbrush.

    Thanks again.

    Regarding z-brush: do you have a full version of the program, or the z-brush core base program? I have the latter but no Go-Z exists to support it. It works on one of the full versions.
  • Lots of good tips here.
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