The Poses Rhyming With Roses Complaint Thread
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I haven't laughed this hard in days. Thank goodness for subtitles though :3
Red captions: Mokou
Blue captions: Sakuya
Green captions: Kaguya
White captions: Cirno (Ice fairy)
'tis funny, but only Sakuya is being mature in this. The rest either don't want to do their homework or are too busy fighting.
Alaska is north and doesn't require a cooperative Canadienne.
...yeah, but the winters are really brutal, and in summer the mosquitoes are big enough to pose a collision threat for light aeroplanes.
Personally, I'd choose Guam, rarely gets hotter than the 80s and still US Territory.
I wonder how FFTactic's Shadowbind spell works. It inflicts STOP which prevents all action, but what it really looks like is a bunch of infinitely thin needles holding the person in place. It doesn't have anything to do with the flow of time =/
Would XII's Chronos Tear fix that condition even though the flow of time wasn't stopped?
Huhu... I was also talking with my brother earlier today and (mockingly) asked him if a familiar can have a familiar of its own. He said "no". I then directed him to this:
Chen Yakumo is the shikigami or familiar of Ran, a nine-tailed fox, who in turn is the shikigami of Yukari.
On her own Ran isn't all that strong, especially if she disobeys Yukari or acts on her own actions, but when she's following the orders of Yukari she can be absurdly strong. Not as strong as Yukari herself, but strong nonetheless.
...then there's Callard and Bowser's Curiously Strong Peppermint Cloud, sure to render useless any breath based spell or weapon used within it's area of effect.
...then there's Callard and Bowser's Curiously Strong Peppermint Cloud, sure to render useless any breath based spell or weapon used within it's area of effect.
Think that'd work with the Hydra's breath attacks in FFTactics? (Unrelated note, but meh) Since nothing in the game can block or evade them. Best bet is to equip something that absorbs that particular element. A Flame Shield will absorb the Greater Hydra's and Tiamat's Tri-Flame, a Rubber Suit would make you immune to Tiamat's Tri-Thunder, and only being Undead or wearing a Sage's Ring would make you immune to a Tiamat's Dark Whisper. However, even if you're absorbing it with the Sage's Ring, that won't render you immune to the Instant-K.O. effect that it occasionally brings (>10% chance) or the Sleep effect (Also a >10% chance)
ETA that their breath attacks aren't magickally based, so things like Silence, Reflect, and Atheist won't affect them (In Tactics, Atheist makes you IMMUNE to ALL magic - even healing and resurrection. It also makes YOUR magick useless. Best way to stop a powerful mage with a crapload of HP is to slap Atheist on them. They can't resist it and nothing makes you immune to it, unlike Disable and Silence status which can be resisted.)
ETA 2 That nifty breath thing of yours WOULD probably work against a Tiamat's Tri-Breath attack, since shields and the like can block it. It again isn't magically based, but it's non-elemental and a Gravity attack (Cut's your HP down by 50% of it's MAX.)
ETA 3 ; Come to think of it, Atheist makes you immune to the guns that fire magically charged bullets. The magic (Ice, Fire,a nd Thunder guns) wouldn't hurt you but wouldn't the bullet still cause some damage?
...did I ever mention I really loathe nepotism in the workplace? Especially when it puts a most annoying and grating person in a position of power?
Most of the time they take it as licence to behave like a spoiled brat, treat other employees like dirt, and get away with it because they know they can.
...and don't even think about questioning anything the "little darling" does even if they are wrong, for it usually means a quick trip to the owner's office where you are read the riot act.
...or worse, have the owner come out to the production floor and give you a dressing down in front of your fellow co-workers.
How petty and unprofessional.
I really hate workplace politik, especially when it gets in the way of doing the job one is responsible for.
Guess that's my complaint for the night.
...I really need to win that Megabucks lotto so I can get my life back.
Think that'd work with the Hydra's breath attacks in FFTactics? (Unrelated note, but meh) Since nothing in the game can block or evade them. Best bet is to equip something that absorbs that particular element. A Flame Shield will absorb the Greater Hydra's and Tiamat's Tri-Flame, a Rubber Suit would make you immune to Tiamat's Tri-Thunder, and only being Undead or wearing a Sage's Ring would make you immune to a Tiamat's Dark Whisper. However, even if you're absorbing it with the Sage's Ring, that won't render you immune to the Instant-K.O. effect that it occasionally brings (>10% chance) or the Sleep effect (Also a >10% chance)
...ahhh, but you know not the power of Altoids. Even from inside a hermetically sealed steel container they still have a highly powerful aromatic effect. ;)
Think that'd work with the Hydra's breath attacks in FFTactics? (Unrelated note, but meh) Since nothing in the game can block or evade them. Best bet is to equip something that absorbs that particular element. A Flame Shield will absorb the Greater Hydra's and Tiamat's Tri-Flame, a Rubber Suit would make you immune to Tiamat's Tri-Thunder, and only being Undead or wearing a Sage's Ring would make you immune to a Tiamat's Dark Whisper. However, even if you're absorbing it with the Sage's Ring, that won't render you immune to the Instant-K.O. effect that it occasionally brings (>10% chance) or the Sleep effect (Also a >10% chance)
...ahhh, but you know not the power of Altoids. Even from inside a hermetically sealed steel container they still have a highly powerful aromatic effect. ;)
I haven't had an altoid in years. I sorta miss them.
They're strong, but what about a Mabloro's "Bad Breath" ability? XD
Fun to use, but it SUCKS to be on the receiving end of that.
...I'd think that Altoids would give you a decent bonus on your save.
Well I'd hope you're right, since they can inflict you with everything but Stop, Undead, and Vampire XD
Sometimes multiple effects at once (It's always funny to see someone get petrified AND confused. Unlike Berserk, petrify does not remove confusion)
Not sure how the numbers are calculated for whether or not it hits, but it seems to be slightly more intricate than "Pick a number between x and y". I can't figure out how spell casting for stuff like Haste vs Hasteja works either, since MOSTLY Hasteja has a lower chance to hit, but I've seen times when Haste/Protect/Shell/Slow have a say 78% or so chance and then I change to Hasteja and it gives me a 90 ~ 100% chance. Completely opposite of how those spells usually work (Firaja, Slowja, etc all take longer to cast, have a lower accuracy rate, and consume more magic. *ja Black Magics have a wider range and can't hit the caster, but the *ja Time Magics have the same range as their weaker forms but have a larger vertical range). A character's Bravery stat often influences some of their attacks but it's usually only damage and not accuracy or evasion. I don't think the Bad breath ability has anything to do with that stat, but their Zodiac compatability between the user and those in range of the ability on the other hand does affect it's accuracy. It's calculated for each status possible, so theoretically if you're very unlucky you got get struck by two or even three or more of the effects, or none at all. Of course, wearing a ribbon will make you immune to all of them. Not sure how that works. [/off-topic]
8 am. Just as I said it would happen, lawnmowers rolled out and started their neverending chorus of rough barks.
Good evening. Limped through a long day, glad to be home - fish in a box for dinner, haz big tired but no complaints ;)
I heard those lawnmowers today, they must be those pesky transformer thingies 'cos they looked a lot like men banging bits of steel into the ground outside the office, wow watta noise !!
Tsukumogami, or "Artifact Spirit", are a type of Japanese spirit. According to the tsukumogami-emaki, tsukumogami originate from items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and become alive and aware.
There was also a myth about if one's possessions are not given a proper burial or treated properly they come alive to take vengence on their owners. .
I'd be terrified if my dragon puppets came alive like that. But I do take care of them, although I do suppose some might be jealous of the attention their other siblings get and think I favor one over the other too much.
I'd love it if they came alive, not so much if they were filled with hatred. ^_^
<_<<br /> (Copy-pastes the post before hitting submit... Just in case...)
I think I'm in love with Maxwell's SimuLens and Multilight features O__O
Loving the bloom effects you can get, though I think I'm going overboard with some of them ^_^;
good mornin ever'body
still waiting for hollywood to make a 3d Jaws remake.
i was 11 when Jaws came out. it didn't give me nightmares. my grandma sat through that movie like a rock. she didn't even jump when the head came floating out of the sunk ship.
Eh forget it >_>
Good morning! Hope you have a great day! It hit 109f yesterday, yikes!
Yum, milk and a chicken salad sandwich for breakfast!
did the log in thing make you lose your typing?
2 and a half weeks to unpaid vacatation time, or staycaytion rather. then 12 whole days in a row to focus on creative projects. poser, wings, dreamweaver, making Kindle editions, dabble in the c4d 42 days. 42 days for vray plugin?
and maybe rent a car for a few days to go to the beach, the nature preserve, the petting zoos.
That all sounds nice except the "unpaid" part. :-S
did the log in thing make you lose your typing?
No I deleted it myself. new forum lacks a DELTE POST button =/
I was commenting on the abomination that was the "movie" Jaws and the negative effect it had on the kids in my Jr High class. Apparently they took everything in the film as fact about sharks and... Worse.
The InterPoser Pro plugin (Recommended) has an unlimited Demo duration when using it with the C4D Demo. Vray, however, does not have a Demo or Trial version.
That all sounds nice except the "unpaid" part. :-S
Thaz the big problem with being a temp. manpower took away vacation benefits. i think they think we won't take vacations if we don't get paid for it. i've put in for 4 weeks of unpaid vacation this year :lol:
I do not get paid vacation. Great it is almost eleven am and I am still in my pj's. Melody is going between checking on the kittens and coming to me and meowing. I think both cats have eaten up the cat food I put in a bowl for them and Melody wants more cat food.
Yawn. Terribly sleepy today. Probably because I didn't sleep last night. At all.
Neither did I, since I was working last night. Even got to work an extra hour :3
I get paid by the hour so that was a bit of a bonus. Though my working days was reduced to two days a week instead of three D:
Thaz the big problem with being a temp. manpower took away vacation benefits. i think they think we won't take vacations if we don't get paid for it. i've put in for 4 weeks of unpaid vacation this year :lol:
Yeah, I'm a contract software engineer so every day off work comes out of my pocket. I tend to just take a day here and there, to keep my (so-called) sanity. :snake:
4 weeks - nice! :coolsmile:
Urgh. Maybe a nap? :-S