The Poses Rhyming With Roses Complaint Thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited June 2012

    ps1borg said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...bugger, it was warmer in Fairbanks Alaska and Vladivostok Russia than it was here today.

    (guess that qualifies as a complaint)

    Sure is a complaint! Haz been colder than an investment banker's heart here the past week, everyone is complaining :)
    ...but in Southern Australia it's winter, it's supposed to be cold. Here in Oregon (≈1600 mi south of Fairbanks) it's supposed to be summer with the norms in the mid 70s (F). It struggled to make it up to 64° (F) today, and will be even cooler (and wetter) tomorrow.

    A good day to go to the Cinema.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    This winter seems colder, and is certainly wetter, than winter has been for ages. We had an earthquake (5.6, I thought it was a very long truck going past our house) on Tuesday as well so there has ben plenty to complain about this week. Perhaps it is all the solar activity, images of the Sun partying down have been amazing this year.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969
    New challenge at the C4D Cafe: Modeling Cartoon Monsters. Judging will mainly be focused on modeling, some on texturing, and plenty on how cute it is.

    1. Deadline - Midnight Friday 20 July P.S.T. (4 week challenge)
    2. No time limit i.e. take as long as you like.
    3. No imported models / meshes / scenes.
    4. Members can enter multiple times.
    5. The Cafe judges reserve the right to disallow any entry if in their opinion the entry contains objectionable, offensive material or blatant advertising.
    6. At least one WIP image is required as a reply to this topic just to keep things interesting. You can post more WIP images if you want. Please disable HyperNurbs objects.
    7. All final entries must be made in the proper "Final entry" thread located here. You are required to attach a maximum of 2 final rendered images in 1280x1024 resolution or less, plus 1 only wireframe image. The wireframe image is to be a Cel render or a screenshot off Cinema viewport. Please disable HyperNurbs objects. We want to see your polygon construction.
    8. You cannot use models etc that you have previously modelled before.
    9. You can use imported texture maps, bump maps, displacement maps etc. What we don't want you doing is using a sculpting program like ZBrush to generate surface detail. Texture maps etc should be done either internally in C4D / Bodypaint or externally in a 2D paint program like Photoshop.
    320 x 240 - 20K
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Conan The Destroyer is on TV

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Ooooh, the KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD Festival is this Saturday!!!! :coolcheese::bug:

    I'll have to grab my field recorder and head down to get crowd ambiance and general festival noises. There's going to be bands, food, local artists, and a 5K race (which I'm not going to be involved in, lol)! It's going to be HOT but if I just stay an hour, I should be OK.

    I'm tempted to sneak out of work early and go have some chicken wings and beer! :coolsmile:

    ...that reminds me, only a month to go before the "KEEP PORTLAND BEERED" festival at the waterfront. Four days of HOP-ping good fun featuring craft brews from all around the country.


    wantz portland beer.

    too early?

    morning pot o joe percolated

    i miss wayii. i'm gonna render up some of her textures and reminisce

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    I like the fast reply button, is cool and mobile friendly. Random: poserizing often feels like coming home, familiar and comfy ya know? ;)

    she made me think of the girl with dragon tattoo :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    This winter seems colder, and is certainly wetter, than winter has been for ages. We had an earthquake (5.6, I thought it was a very long truck going past our house) on Tuesday as well so there has ben plenty to complain about this week. Perhaps it is all the solar activity, images of the Sun partying down have been amazing this year.

    maybe venus threw down some mojo when she was transit-ing

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Thursday, Payday, that's a non-complaint. BUT... you know it... COMPLAINTS!!!

    - I have to grocery shop on the way home AND cough up for a new 30-day bus pass least yours is only 30$ if you just ride the bus.

    Mine is 90$ going up to 100$ this September. I think that Capitol Metro has the right idea with the Local and Regional passes. I wish we had a similar structure here, as for the most part, I don't bother with our light rail since it doesn't go by where I live or work. Express buses pretty much don't exist here (save for a couple of routes and some limited stop service during the AM/PM commute times) because of the transit commission's emphasis on light rail expansion.

    Portland is the smallest metro market in the nation to have such an extensive rail network. Unfortunately, it doesn't serve the most densely populated area of the city (which is where I live). For my daily commute, local bus lines actually offer more direct service with fewer transfers and no "out of the way" travel. However it seems that they keep cutting bus service and frequency system wide shortly after each new light rail or streetcar line goes into service.

    Geesh, that blows! The VTA in Silicon Valley was that expensive, but at least there was service EVERYWHERE. I sure hope the bus lines you need stay intact!

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Ooooh, the KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD Festival is this Saturday!!!! :coolcheese::bug:

    I'll have to grab my field recorder and head down to get crowd ambiance and general festival noises. There's going to be bands, food, local artists, and a 5K race (which I'm not going to be involved in, lol)! It's going to be HOT but if I just stay an hour, I should be OK.

    I'm tempted to sneak out of work early and go have some chicken wings and beer! :coolsmile:

    ...that reminds me, only a month to go before the "KEEP PORTLAND BEERED" festival at the waterfront. Four days of HOP-ping good fun featuring craft brews from all around the country.


    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, sounds like fun! Have a pint or two for me! :coolsmile:

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    It's Friday, which is impossible to complain about, and I have fun money, which is also impossible to complain about! :coolsmile:

    BUT - I do have complaints!

    - It's going to hit 99f today
    - It's going to hit 101f tomorrow
    - By Monday they predict it'll hit 106f
    - I want to go to the "Keep Austin Weird" Festival but if it's going to be 101f I will probably stay home
    - I can't get "Ring of Fire" out of my mind
    - Sore butt :red:
    - A lot of my wishlist at Rendo went on sale but I already spent my content money
    - I didn't sleep well last night

    I think that covers it all. DANG IT'S HOTTTTT!!! :gulp:

    *edit* Well, I fell for the sale thing and spent some of my fun money on stuff for M4 and K4. It's hard to find good clothes and characters for K4 so when I can, I grab 'em. Most of my Webcomic ideas will require some kids at one point or another, argh!

    ...wish you could pack up some of the heat and sunshine up and send it our way. For the next several days it's going to be about eight to ten degrees below normal (just like last year) and rainy for the weekend.

    ...bugger, it was warmer in Fairbanks Alaska and Vladivostok Russia than it was here today.

    (guess that qualifies as a complaint)

    If I could find a way to, I would! We have more heat than we really need, although not as bad as last year - it was already around 105f for a couple of week. Urgh.

    Try to stay warm!

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Good morning Complainers! :coolsmile:

    Already 76f here at 8:45AM, heading towards 100f in theory (argh). I've decided it's too hot and expensive to hit the Keep Austin Weird festival, so today I'll be Poserizing and generally rendering around.

    Am hungry though - I had WINGS AND BEER at 3:00pm and skipped dinner. What to eat, what to eat? Take the 15 minute walk to the Austin Diner, or catch the bus to the Frisco and have chicken fried steak and eggs? Decisions, decisions!

    Lunch will be, I think, DEAD FISH ON A PLATE. Roll On Sushi Diner is only a 10 minute walk, so I shouldn't fry too much. I have my straw hat so at least my noggin won't burn!

    Back to installing all the content I bought yesterday... everyone have a great day!

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Minor annoyance, not really a complaint: sometimes PPro takes so long to load a texture, I think it's locked up! I'm developing patience now, though (lol).

    It's a bit of a learning curve, but as long as I have the PDF manual open I can bounce back and forth. A lot of what looked "meh" in DS4 looks "wow" in PPro, I'm pleasantly surprised! I have a couple of dynamic dresses for characters I want to try as well.

    Almost lunch time, wheeeeeee! Oh geesh, smileys are dead right now. Frown!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...whew! Took most of the evening but finally caught up.

    Miss Bad Wolf sad to hear about the kitten. A sincere Meow back to Melody

    End of Week Complaints:

    -Ache all over due to the sudden weather change. Yesterday it was 81, today we barely broke 60 and it was damp & drizzly all day.
    -Ran out of Advil and no place near by to get any (not going to pay three times as much for it at the natural food store down the street).
    -Summer looks as if it may be over before it had a chance to begin.
    -Too tired and achy to cook.

    Non Complaints

    -Was able to get out a bit early tonight (always nice on a Friday) and actually had a decent commute home.
    -Went down the corner pizza joint and got couple of their wonderful fennel sausage & cheese slices.
    -Picked up a bottle of Black Boss Porter (from Poland - 9.4%!) on the way home .
    -Considering getting the Learning Edition of Maxwell Render Suite for the new machine.
    -Thinking of seeing Brave tomorrow (rainy day, good for going to the Cinema). Something about a feisty red hared blue eyed heroine that...

    I want to go see brave but that requires some cash and the banks are closed right now.

    I will pass the message to Melody. Thank you.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    main compy tied up in reflect/refract render.

    ice cream break. a nap. zzzz taquitos and waffle fries for dinner. and an all nighter in wings.

    leg cramp pains aren't as painful today. yayy.

    complaint: i'm out of pancake mix. not even a frozen waffle in the house.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    I found my camera. It was on the floor underneath the desk. I was actually looking for my check book.
    now the kittens are in a spot i cannot take good pictures of them. I can barely see them as I misplaced my flash light. I count three little tails when Melody was nursing them.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    I had a dream that I was somewhere on vacation. My brother had two pregnancy tests on him. I thought he was going to see if he was pregnant (instead of seeing if his wife was) It got all confusing and then became that I was looking for a toothbrush.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited June 2012

    Kyoto Kid said:
    I think that covers it all. DANG IT'S HOTTTTT!!! :gulp:

    ...wish you could pack up some of the heat and sunshine up and send it our way. For the next several days it's going to be about eight to ten degrees below normal (just like last year) and rainy for the weekend.

    ...bugger, it was warmer in Fairbanks Alaska and Vladivostok Russia than it was here today.

    (guess that qualifies as a complaint)

    If I could find a way to, I would! We have more heat than we really need, although not as bad as last year - it was already around 105f for a couple of week. Urgh.

    Try to stay warm!

    ...well it.s currently 55° and already noon. Been raining steadily all morning with no letup. They say it's supposed to get up into the low 60s, but the way it looks and feels out there I wouldn't put my money on that.

    Gotta go get the bus as I ache too much to ride the bike today. Going to take three times longer (or more) to get to my destination because of the bad connections and lousy weekend schedules.

    ...and to think, we used to have one of the best bus systems in the nation before all this light rail garbage.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    @Kyoto: blech! Well, try to stay as dry and warm as possible!

    Random note: the A3 character I thought crashed PPro 2010 actually rendered, I had to wait a LONG time (12 minutes) for the body texture to load into firefly, after that it rendered properly! I wonder what's going on during texture loading... I hope it's faster on the new machine!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    I went through one box and did not find my check book.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    SUPER NON-COMPLAINT! Had Dialysis just over four hours ago and not one bad thing so far today. NO FATIGUE and NO SUPER HEADACHE and still NO CRAMPS!! I feel almost normal, well normal for me anyway. It just might be a good day.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    I'm just gonna slouch to bed and not get up until the Mongolian Death Snuffles or Avian-Bovine Flu Anthrax is gone.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    SUPER NON-COMPLAINT! Had Dialysis just over four hours ago and not one bad thing so far today. NO FATIGUE and NO SUPER HEADACHE and still NO CRAMPS!! I feel almost normal, well normal for me anyway. It just might be a good day.

    That's good news. Hope it continues for you.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    cookie sheet cooking. tear off some tin foil, roll out a few frozen taquitos. frozen waffle fries, set oven timer, and wait for the ding! dang, out of sour cream

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    cookie sheet cooking. tear off some tin foil, roll out a few frozen taquitos. frozen waffle fries, set oven timer, and wait for the ding! dang, out of sour cream
    OOOooooo.... cookie sheet. I now have a deep deep craving for some homemade sugar cookies. MMmm... cookies.

    EDIT Yes I know thats all wrong, but you need to be inside my head right now. It's all HUH What? I'm doing good to find the keyboard.
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Morning. BIg bright blue sky day outside my window, and windless, so far, even a little warm, in the sun. Things are looking up, only forty or so days to go until Spring !

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited June 2012

    ...well made it back home safe.

    As I was walking out the door I noticed the rain had quit and the sky was clearing up. Decided to gut it out and ride instead of taking the bus. Got to my bank branch in half the time than I would have spent waiting for the connecting bus to get me there. Got a noodle bowl for lunch at my favourite Thai/Viet restaurant then off to the weekly grocery run. The big bottle (500) of Ibuprofen was on sale (50¢ more than the 250 ct bottle) so got it. Should keep me going for a while.

    Talk about a "Dr Jekyll and Hyde" day one wouldn't think it was pouring down rain all morning looking outside now. Bright sunshine and warming up nicely (good I didn't put any money down on it not breaking 60 - and yes, in Vegas, you can actually wager on such silly things).

    Checked the Cinema locations, times, and prices and decide to wait for Brave to make the rounds to my neighbourhood rep theatre. Most are on the far flung suburbs or in downtown and wanting 10.50$ - 14.50$ for the 3D showing. Shoot for the 3D price I could get admission, a pint of fine hand crafted ale, and a slice of most excellent pizza, instead of paying an extra 6$ for a cup of crushed ice with a couple spits of Fructose laden post mix in it and another 5$ for a cup of overly salted artificially buttered popcorn.

    I just want to see the film for the story and the animation. Don;t need a two storey high screen and 3D glasses to "heighten the experience" after which I need to deal with getting home on the bus late at night.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    @Kyoto: blech! Well, try to stay as dry and warm as possible!

    Random note: the A3 character I thought crashed PPro 2010 actually rendered, I had to wait a LONG time (12 minutes) for the body texture to load into firefly, after that it rendered properly! I wonder what's going on during texture loading... I hope it's faster on the new machine!

    Check the pathname. If a file isn't where a reference is pointing to Poser searches every runtime folder it references for the file, and that makes for long loads sometimes. You can use a script called collectSceneInventory to check the integrity of file references :) As a sidenote texturing is almost the last thing I do to a 3D scene, area lighting is easier when all the objects are untextured imo (but I tend not to use IDL or HDR lighting)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...well made it back home safe.

    As I was walking out the door I noticed the rain had quit and the sky was clearing up. Decided to gut it out and ride instead of taking the bus. Got to my bank branch in half the time than I would have spent waiting for the connecting bus to get me there. Got a noodle bowl for lunch at my favourite Thai/Viet restaurant then off to the weekly grocery run. The big bottle (500) of Ibuprofen was on sale (50¢ more than the 250 ct bottle) so got it. Should keep me going for a while.

    Talk about a "Dr Jekyll and Hyde" day one wouldn't think it was pouring down rain all morning looking outside now. Bright sunshine and warming up nicely (good I didn't put any money down on it not breaking 60 - and yes, in Vegas, you can actually wager on such silly things).

    Checked the Cinema locations, times, and prices and decide to wait for Brave to make the rounds to my neighbourhood rep theatre. Most are on the far flung suburbs or in downtown and wanting 10.50$ - 14.50$ for the 3D showing. Shoot for the 3D price I could get admission, a pint of fine hand crafted ale, and a slice of most excellent pizza, instead of paying an extra 6$ for a cup of crushed ice with a couple spits of Fructose laden post mix in it and another 5$ for a cup of overly salted artificially buttered popcorn.

    I just want to see the film for the story and the animation. Don;t need a two storey high screen and 3D glasses to "heighten the experience" after which I need to deal with getting home on the bus late at night.

    Bright sun here this morning as well :) Brave sounds good, don't think it is on here yet :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Mojoworld cloud sim has only 70-ish frames to go - finished by Wednesday?

    800 x 335 - 11K
    570 x 104 - 7K
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    SUPER NON-COMPLAINT! Had Dialysis just over four hours ago and not one bad thing so far today. NO FATIGUE and NO SUPER HEADACHE and still NO CRAMPS!! I feel almost normal, well normal for me anyway. It just might be a good day.

    Epic WIN!! :)

This discussion has been closed.