Sky Question

OK I thought I would dig out and dust off Bryce 7.1pro and give it another shot my question is can I get rid of the sky background so I can make things on a transparent background?


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    do a mask render , use the mask render to cut out the background

  • beachlegsbeachlegs Posts: 484
    Chohole said:

    do a mask render , use the mask render to cut out the background

    Thank you Chohole I am new to this is there a tutorial.


  • beachlegsbeachlegs Posts: 484
    beachlegs said:
    Chohole said:

    do a mask render , use the mask render to cut out the background

    Thank you Chohole I am new to this is there a tutorial. ok I got it thank you Chohole I know what I am doing now I had it on no mask now its on object mask.



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2018


    bryce object mask 1.jpg
    800 x 450 - 138K
    bryce mask render 1.jpg
    265 x 179 - 45K
    bryce mask render 2.jpg
    800 x 450 - 109K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • beachlegsbeachlegs Posts: 484
    Chohole said:


    Thank you so much Chohole this is very helpful I appreciate you taking the time to help me with this :) Thank you.

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