Genesis confusion....

Fungible UserFungible User Posts: 456
edited January 2019 in New Users


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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2018

    OK,  what happened here was that we used to have generation 1,2 3 and 4 which were completely different figures to the Genesis figures.  The main characters for Gen4 for example were Victoria 4 and Michael 4.

    So then Genesis came onto the scene, a completely different technology. and as they started releasing characters for him/her they kept the names Michael and Victoria, and so they became M5 and V5 (and several other generation 5 characters), although they were based on Genesis.  Similarly wehn Genesis 2 came the first character figures released for the Gensis 2 line were V6 and M6. and Genesis 3 spawned V7 and M7.  Then came the next Genesis generation, and it was decided that Genesis 4 could well get mixed up with Generation 4 of the older figures, ie V4 and M4.  So they missed out using Genesis 4,5,6 and 7 and jumped straight to Genesis 8, with the characters beig 8 as well, so V8, M8 and so forth. So the now the Genesis number matches the main character generation number.

    does that make sense to you?  have I explained it properly?

    Oh and BTW you are in exactly the right place.

    The New Users Forums  are the direct result of requests for more information, more help, and more activities for our newer community members - what a great idea!
    These forums are going to be moderated a little more strictly than our general forums. As a community it will be important for us to cultivate an atmosphere of collaboration and encouragement that will allow for our newest additions to have fun and to learn in an environment that is conducive to both.
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Noah LGPNoah LGP Posts: 2,617
    edited April 2018
    • 1st generation (2000?) : Millennium 
    • 2nd generation (2000?) : Millennium 2
    • 3rd generation (2002?) : Millennium 3
    • 4th generation (2006?) : Millennium 4
    • 5th generation (2011?) : Genesis
    • 6th generation (2013) : Genesis 2
    • 7th generation (2015) : Genesis 3
    • 8th generation (2017) : Genesis 8
    Post edited by Noah LGP on
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