East Meets West Outfit for G8M - did you try without dforce?

manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
edited April 2018 in New Users

EDIT: i have no idea why i posted this in new users! i must have clicked the subforum by error. it's supposed to go in some general forum or DS specific... please if a mod could move this where it belongs...

i've just seen this new product: dForce East Meets West Outfit for G8M - this looks absolutely awesome. i want, no i NEED this in my runtime! heart

BUT, as i already mentioned in other threads, dforce doesn't run on my laptop. (i tried downloading drivers & stuff, nope).
so pretty please with a whole fruit basket on top, anyone who can't either, or is just willing/curious to test out this outfit WITHOUT dforce - and i mean really try out in different poses a bit like in the promos, not just stick it on a base pose G8M - including @Aave-Nainen the artist who created this little jewel, write a few lines here ^^

i know basically dforce models should include enough morphs to make items useable without dforce, and i can occasionally do with muted, less adventurous poses for a render if the garments i really want to use just won't adapt. but this here would be ideal for a character i have in mind, and he's into parkour, dancing and other wild stuff, so...

Post edited by manekiNeko on


  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108

    Sorry, this garment will NOT work without using dForce. The number of morphs it would take to make it work for every possible pose out there would be impossibly difficult to do.

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414

    Sorry, this garment will NOT work without using dForce. The number of morphs it would take to make it work for every possible pose out there would be impossibly difficult to do.

     indecision ... sad ... crying ... broken heart  <- this is me right now. i'm devastated.

    been looking for something like this for a while - ok, initially just drop crotch pants (those here are a bit extreme for parkour) - but i would have taken them anyways just because they look awesome....
    but @Aave Nainen, ofc i can understand how it's practically impossible to create morphs for this, with all the folds etc.

    i'm going to start a fund drive to get a new dforce-friendly laptop, srsly. :/

  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108

    If this is needed for a special project perhaps others who are able to use dForce (or that "other" dynamic cloth solution) could be persuaded to drape to your poses and create morphs for you. If you need drop crotch pants that don't come so low you could even try the Genesis 8 Female version https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-harem-pants-outfit-for-genesis-8-females auto fit to the males.

    Seriously, dForce is so awesome that if there is any way for you to upgrade you won't regret it :)

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414

    If this is needed for a special project perhaps others who are able to use dForce (or that "other" dynamic cloth solution) could be persuaded to drape to your poses and create morphs for you. If you need drop crotch pants that don't come so low you could even try the Genesis 8 Female version https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-harem-pants-outfit-for-genesis-8-females auto fit to the males.

    Seriously, dForce is so awesome that if there is any way for you to upgrade you won't regret it :)

    thanks for the info, i didn't even know this was possible with dforce (i mean draping etc). duly noted just in case.
    however, i don't have a defined idea what i'd need this gear for exactly, and i'm horribly messy in my creative process.. i just start smehwere, and land somehwere else, sometimes related... often not even, lol.
    the female stuff is too similar, also i'd have to change every texture (ok, i have a lot of iray freebie cloth), those are way too boho for what i'd like to do. i would need a model like you'd see on goggle if you type drop crotch and hip-hop or parkour.

    ikr, i'd so love to be able to use dforce, it's magic. but yeah... the only way i could upgrade atm is.. not eating for 3-4 months XD

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