Problems with rendering victoria 8 hd

Hi all, I have a single 980ti and my screens are running on a 970. So i use the 980ti purely for rendeing. Now i can do 1080p within 30 min to 2 hours or 5 min to 30 min in 720p depending on whhat settings are used. So with any other genesis 8 models i dont have any issues and can add male and female in to a scene with enviroments and hdri without trouble and using the single 980ti But when i add victoria 8 hd as a single female its still going good but much slower. I out the settings on 720p without hrdi and settings so that the BG is transparent. I have some glossy thought the whole female but not over the top. And this will still render on the gtx 980ti But when i add an hdri file or add an male figure to the scene (not even an enviroment) the 980ti is overlooked and system falls back on cpu. I have checked all settings against all my other renders with only hrdi added and all render settings are the same. So is victory 8 hd the real issue here or am i overlooking something else? Your input is much appriciated. Thanks in advance


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    It's probably the HD character (doesn't have to be Victoria, any Genesis HD figure will do this). Remember that for every bump of the SubD parameter, which controls how well you will see the HD detail, the mesh will need four times the memory in your graphics card. It doesn't take much of this to eat up all your card's memory and drop back to CPU rendering. Especially with an older card like a 9-series, which I don't think can have more than 4GB of memory.

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    Right.. that clears up that. So a 1080 ti 11gb would do the trick here or is there a less exspensive card that also works? I though at first maybe post processing would donthe trick but with one pic in hdri and the other not and re-esembling them in photoshop and do some teaking wont help me here either. Only if both stay the same without hdri would it be possible but then dealing with the issue of pore lighting. I can try that but would be a pore result i think. Any suggestions on this?
  • So, I'm still pretty new with daz but have been experimenting a lot lately and can at least try to answer the reason why this may be happening. What I've learned is that when a scene falls back onto the CPU to render this is most likely because you've over drawn the memory on your GPU. What I've also found is that even more then the number of characters what will most tend to cause this to happen is environments and the SubD and Render resolution of the actual character/prop/outfit.

    Under the Paramenters tab with the given item/character go to the Name<General<Mesh Resolution and try to keep both Subdivision Level and Render Subdivision Level to a somewhat lower number. I have a 1070 and a 1050 ti that I do my renders with, but only have the 8GBs to play with from the 1070. Raising those two setting any past 2 on a character with tend to make renders fall back on the CPU.

    One thing that will also help is to watvh the little status window that pops up, or checking you log files when you do a render. This will tell you how much memory a given scene is using and help you to judge things there. Also, I've found that it helps to have a newly running instance of Daz before starting a render. Not sure if there is like a memory buffer that holds on to things or what, but I'll set up a scene, save it, close out of Daz, then start it up again and load the newly created scene and then hit render, not sure if it's just a placebo effect, but seams to make things go a bit faster.

    I've included a screen shot whith both the SubD stuff and what I was talking about with the window that pops up. That's just the texture files, there is also the Subdivision stuff as well and a few other things that all add up to the total memory load that gets handed off to your GPU. 

    So remember to check the sub division level on the character, the hair, the clothes, everything and watch what gets loaded off to your GPU. Find places to comprimise, maybe you're doing a close up and need her face to look nice but her clothes doesn't matter, maybe you're not in close to her face, but her hair needs a bit of extra something to make the scene. 

    Hope this helps, and I'm not telling you stuff you already know, Cheers!


  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    Thanks i ill try and see if the subd will solve it.
  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173

    Alright #brimstoneomega thats indeed solved it. Render SubD Level was on 4. I can deal with either level 1,2 or 3.

    Putting it on Render SubD one, adding a male to the scene and putting that to also SubD 1 did at first not do the trick (at first).

    Both single worked like a charm, want able to do that before in HD though... and rendering in lower SubD loses only minor details so thats OK.

    Then i remeberd that sometimes... The memory of the GTX card some times gets floaded and move to CPU when even normal scenes would load.

    So i rebooted my PC and that did the trick. Could load the scene in HDRI, both with clothing and glossy shine in Iray and then started the render.... BAM! Beautifull.

    Thanks alot Folks.

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    Ok still having issues with rendering when adding more to the scene then just the vicoria 8 hd... if i add standard gen8 male or owen and set all to "subd 2" its falling back to cpu. Is there anyway if i started out with victoria 8 hd to remove the hd? And fall back to standard vicoria? Or do i have to start from scratch?
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I also have a 980Ti, but I do not experience the problem with just two or three G8 characters.

    There are lots of things that can cause what you describe. Too high SubD is one. it is also worth checking on Backgrund characters, who often can go back to "Base" setting. Make sure you also check on clothing and hair if they have a high SubD setting.

    Another problem can be large maps. Some environments have map sizes of 8000x8000, which is cool for a closeup, but is guaranteed to blow your memory if you add as much as one extra character.

    Instances. If you have an environment that uses instances, make sure your render setting is set to "Optimized for memory" rather than "speed".

    Finally, there's the fact that when you start several render attempts, for some rason the memory of the card will clogg up. Whenever that happens and my system switches to CPU when it should be using GPU, I save the scene, close DS, make sure I kill the instance of the program in the Task manager, and then restart Studio. That usally helps.

    Also, this little jewel of a program add on is highly recommended:  

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    Aaaah yes before all else was fine i was using deamlight hdri with grey background. Now was using sunnybeaches hdri on 16k. I turned of draw donme didnt seem to help. Turned everything down to 2 subd. Didnt seem te help. Rebooted no help So i gues its the 16k hdri. If i turn to 2k hdri would it help? And that scene optimizer pack looks perfect. Would it also help against the 16k hdri? Or do i need to change that manualy? And what about changing back to dreamlight hdri? Can i just change back or do i need to change some more settings? Cheers and thanks
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    2k HDRI should help i.e. if you don't need the background.

    From my experience, Scene Optimizer can't help with the hdri. but you can check back with the PA in the product's thread; or maybe someone has a solution there.

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173

    if the 2K doesn't help then no worries.

    I can always render with the hdri i head before that worked and then turn draw dome off (no BG) and then only render a sunny beach hdri as BG and then blend those 2 together in photoshop.

    We will see.

    Ill let you know the outcome.

    Thanks for the quick replies ;)

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    Thanks #BeeMKay was indeed the hdri file that was to big. About scene optimizer. When i use the first tab and optimize all selected and when its done with optimizing all the files the female face gets black. When optimizing it also is asking me to find a file thats stored in a different folder. Its asking a about a texture file from another model stores in the realtime / textures folder. When i search for it i can find the file and when i point to it the optimizing goes further but when its done her face is still black. The female is vicoria 8 and where scene optimising is pointing is female called kalisto. I do habe her and i think if i remember correctly is had to do with some "blush" Let me know
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited May 2018

    i think the balck face is caused by LIE, and there is a specific seting that needs to be unchecked if you have a LIE character. I think it is something about maps not beinf stored.

    If that character causes a problem, I would leave it out of the "big cleanup" at first, and then see if it works with the different setting.

    I also strongly recommend that you read the user manual, which is in your Docs/readme section, or you can download here:

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173

    hey MeeMKey,

    Nope its not th LIE.

    See here:

    Something to do with moisture, the file pops up like 4 times all asking for the same file.

    Let me if you have any other idea's.

    *Thanks for the user guide. I will read through it when i have some more time.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I've tried this with Kallisto, and while I get the error messages, I do not get the black face. I skipped the error message.

    What I did was just use the size reduction.

    But I strongly suggest that you make use of the PA's thread for the program.

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173

    Where would i find this with the vicoria model?

    Maybe i can change this in the model it self.

    Would this be on the surfaces and then face somewhere?

    Maybe i can point it back to victoria.

    Any idea?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    You have loaded Kallisto and not Victoria, according to the error message you posted. It points at some files of Callisto, which can't be reduced. But that is not a problem, as the Optimizer just leaves them untouched.

    This is Victoria 8, which you said you are using:

    You'll find her in your Smart Content, or Content Directory, depending on what you are using.

    Again, I strongly recommend you visit the PA's thread and ask that person (or check if someone else already had the same problem and they found a solution).

    You can try reapplying the original skin for the face by going into each map location (base, bump, translucency), browser to the original map's folder location and then load that map. You can easily see which map it is, as the size reduced one is stored there as well.

  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173
    No i have victoria 8 loaded not kalisto.
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited May 2018

    Yes, but did you use the Kallisto SKIN on her? Kindly check that. If I run the optimizer on plain victoria 8 with her Victoria 8 skin, I do not get the error message. And your screenshots all point to the Kallisto skin.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
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