Having some problem fitting clothing to custom morph

Hello, not sure if this should be here or elsewhere, but I've been messing with morph dials as well as zbrush to create a custom morph for g3f
I followed the basic instructions i.e.

1. export as obj

2. Save as character as well as morph asset.

However, I seem to have some trouble with making clothing fit my figure's body shape. I don't have any problems if I were to, say, just make something similar with a normal morph. The problem seems to be limited to my own custom morph. Would love some help with this.

The pictures below are with "Fit to" and Smoothing enabled.

325 x 731 - 35K
329 x 612 - 30K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Is your morph set to AutoFollow (click the gear icon on the slider, Parameter Settings)? Did you save the Character preset before ro after saving the morph as an asset?

  • Is your morph set to AutoFollow (click the gear icon on the slider, Parameter Settings)? Did you save the Character preset before ro after saving the morph as an asset?

    I've not set it for AutoFollow. Am I supposed to?

    I saved Char preset first. Is it possible to delete the morph under the parameters and redo?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Yes, you need to have the morph set to AutoFollow in order to have DS transfer it to the fitted items. You also need to save the morph as an asset before saving a preset, otherwise the preset will use an embedded copy of the morph instead of pointing to the asset. You can update the AutoFollw setting, save as a morph asset over the top of the previous version, and then save a new preset.

  • Yes, you need to have the morph set to AutoFollow in order to have DS transfer it to the fitted items. You also need to save the morph as an asset before saving a preset, otherwise the preset will use an embedded copy of the morph instead of pointing to the asset. You can update the AutoFollw setting, save as a morph asset over the top of the previous version, and then save a new preset.

    Thank you so much! Sorry to bother with more questions, but I was wondering if it was possible to permanently delete/move a morph from different parts of the Parameter tab, i.e. Instead of Real World, it's under Fantasy or something?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    That's also in the Parameter Settings dialogue, the Path is what you want - you can either select an existing folder or write/add-to an existing location - use / to separate the group names. Once done, resave the Morph Asset.

  • That's also in the Parameter Settings dialogue, the Path is what you want - you can either select an existing folder or write/add-to an existing location - use / to separate the group names. Once done, resave the Morph Asset.

    Is it also possible to completely remove a morph? Instead of moving it's location, just delete it permanently?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Yes, but if you have saved it as an asset you have to go to the file and deleet that - \data\Genesis #\Female\Morphs\Author\Product, where Author adn product are the names you gave in the save options dialogue

  • ok Thanks a bunch for the help!

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