New and not sure what to download
Hi, I'm 100% new to Daz3D but I think it looks fun and I'm interested in learning how to use it, I noticed that I have several files to choose between to download and I'm not entirely sure if I should get the Windows 32bit or 64bit and if I need any other files like Hexagon and Scene builder (not entirely sure what they are). I also got an install manager when I signed up, does it work like the Creative Cloud for Adobe where you can manage all different apps?
Sorry if these are obvious questions, just looking to learn
Daz Install Manager DIM is to help you download and install your Daz content. It works for all content that you have bought from the Daz 3d store
64bit or 32 bit that depends on your computer. Most computers nowadays are 64 bit
You need to donwload and install the Daz studio files and the Genesis Starter essential files as a neccessity. There are several sets of starter essentials.
Files like Hexagon I think are optional, but useful, especially when you think that it used to be a paid for program.
You might want both - the 32 bit version has the lipSync tool, which allows you to match mouth movements to a recorded voice track, but the 64 bit version can handle more data and is needed for the Iray render engine.
You also want to download the default resources, which include some lights.
The only two things you really need are Daz Studio, and the Default Resources. Genesis Starter Content will give you a few basic human figures and some clothing and poses. It's not strictly required to use Studio, especially if you have other characters and clothing you want to use instead.
You don't need Hexagon unless you want to create your own models or your own morphs for existing models. For now, I wouldn't bother installing Hexagon. Once you get familiar with Studio, if you decide you want to make your own models, or you want to modify existing models in ways that you simply can't in Studio, then you get get Hexagon and start learning about modeling.
Something important to note: 32 Bit Daz Studio crashed frequently on my old system - so much so that it was nearly impossible to use. Granted, it was a 7 year old computer with 4 GB Ram. If your computer is 64 bit, then I recommend 64 bit Daz Studio. I also recommend at least 16 GB Ram. If you don't have an NVIDIA graphics card, you can use the 3Delight render engine - lots of people are 3DL fans.
Please check out the Freebies thread, but also Share CG is a great source of free content. If you join the Platinum Club, you will get major discounts, 2 $6.00 coupons each month, plus a free quality item every week. There are hundreds of Platinum Club items for as low as $1.99. Daz has great sales, the best of which are March Madness and the end of year sales starting in October. You may think that $70 bucks a year may be pricy, but believe me, it DOES pay for itself!