Resuming an image series render


Is there a way to resume an image series render after a crash or pushing cancel?



  • You can't resume a render if DAZ3D crashes and therefore closes.
    You can find a temp image of your render in this folder 

    C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp

    You need to set show hidden inside your Windows folder to see this location.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited April 2018

    It should be super easy to resume. Using Image Series output for animation is wise, I think.

    Figure out which was the last good frame you got so you'll know where to start from, then go into your Render Settings pane and change the Start frame number. As long as everything else is good, just click the Render button to get it going!

    I just tested on a Mac, and found that when I hit Cancel on Frame 11, a low-quality image for Frame 11 did indeed appear in my render library, so make sure you scrutinize the last frame output file for quality. If it's not up to par, delete it and restart from there.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    This has been a problem for me in the past as well and is a real pain. I think that when I get home from work, my new batch of renders will be cooked and ready but only 4 made it through before Daz fried out. I don't blame the software or anything. It happens. It's labor intensive and well, that's life. I tell you what REALLY gets me though is when I'm working in a scene and am closing in on everything being just how I want it. Then, I do the unthinkable. I change or add hair or load one more prop and BOOM! Daz has had enough and shuts down. All that progress lost. I try to remember to save a few times just in case but it still jumps up and bites me in the butt at least a few times a month. I wish there was an "auto-save" feature like in Microsoft Word or Office. But I'm not sure that would be practical. For instance, I finished and save picture 16 and in the progress of making picture 17, autosave would undoubtably save my pic 17 progress over pic 16. So I guess it's just a dream. Unless there is a widget somewhere in Daz that has the ability to do this. Wouldn't surprise me, I learn about a new feature I didn't know was there all the time.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited April 2018

    The other thing you'd have to worry about is what if it autosaved just after you added the straw that will break the camel's back. Then you lose the whole document and can never reopen it without a crash. An application did this to me once.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Kind of one of those, "You get what you want, but you won't want what you get." things.

  • Trash PandaTrash Panda Posts: 111

    ah ok, thanks for the answers and guidance!

  • tundertunder Posts: 3

    How do I fix my file though? I usually work on a scene, save it and then move the figures on to their next positions and save that as a scene. Now I've got a bunch of scenes with the "missing files" error because of this and have no idea what to do with those scenes.

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