How to put an asset into scene
I am learning Daz script and have read some samples from daz documentation center. But I cannot find an example for putting an asset into scene such as loading a figure into scene and the dress up a cloth?
Can anybody give me any suggestion?
Assuming you know the path to the asset you just need to get the Content Manager (App.getContentMgr()) and tell it to load the native file (contentMgr.openNativeAsset( name )) - or you could use assets as such, via Asset Manager to get ana sset fiel and then contentMgr.loadAsset(asset ).
Thank you so much to point this out to me! Thanke you~
Hi~ Richard Haseltine, I've been able to load asset into scene as you tald me. But I got a new problem. I wanna know the asset type as the picture as the picture shows:
How can I get the file type via script? I tried to find it in the documentation center but still not find out. If you know, whould you please tell me? Thank you ~
the best way to find a loaded asset is to grab the sceneobjects Array, add the object, and then grab it again and see which item was loaded. The pitfall here is of you have a blank scene with auto added camera, when you add the first object, the auto added camera is removed and a new is added, so if you're not adding cameras, do not add the to your list of saved objects as you will die on a "accessing a deleted object" if you try to read it from the list after the new item was added.
isInScene() can perhaps be used there
sorry for my mistake that I may not descript it clear.
First of all, what I wanna to do is to load a figure into scene and the dress a cloth up for this figure. All this should be done via script. And now I know how to get all assets in my daz studio and load an asset into scene under the help of Richard, thank you again~. But the problem I am facing now is how to know if an asset is cloth or not? I find that when I focus my cursor on an asset, Daz will pop up an dialog that descripts this asset, and it has an "Type" descripton that cloth is "wearable". I wanna know how to get this "Type" description so that I can know this asset is a "Cloth".