Fast rendering..
I need a faster rendering where thestory frames go in my line of work. I love the detail when the action starts but the rest could lose some quality to buy me time.
Outside of Iray and 3Delight, would any of the others do this well??
For instance: What's the difference between 3Delight and scripted??
Any speed tips??
There are threads where people discuss fast IRay rendering, but since I use 3DL I can't give advice on that;) Scripted 3DL (point based occlusion) is basically for use with the UE2 env. light in bounce light mode. UE2 is hardcoded to work with point based occlusion, which breaks down geometry to a couple of points, which makes for faster calculation. Still, UE2 is veeery slow even using scripted 3DL, so I wouldn't recommend it if you are looking for quick render solutions. Depending on the nature of your scenes, you may want to consider using the AoA advanced lights, with the ability to flag transmapped hair and vegetation for faster rendering. Or check out IBL-Master by Parris, using a new lightshader for 3DL. Other tricks: render against a background (using a shadowcatcher if needed), optimize your scenes, experiment with render settings. 3DL being a biased rendering engine allows for a lot of cheating to save time;)
And ALL of this is basically over my head!! LOL.
Ahemm... sorry
, I'll try to simplify a bit. For 3DL, forget scripted rendering. Use the AoA advanced lights, if you want atleast some level of realism, they have the ability to render hair very fast. If you don't need realism, use the standard DS lights and don't turn on shadows, (they load with shadows turned offf by default), that way you'll be rendering very fast. Also, as a side note, if you render "realistic" scenes with a lot of reflective or refractive stuff (glass, metal, water) turn on progressive mode in the render settings tab, if not, non progressive will be faster. If you have questions about rendering in 3DL, just shoot!
You bascially have two main types of rendering, biased and unbiased. unbiased (or Physically based rendering) is basd on math to calculate lighting as it is in the real world with no shortcuts which tends to take much longer. Biased is scripted to take shortcuts and produce the most efficient results based on the software and renderer used. Biased is used in many vidoe games to achieve a certain look and to increase performance. Unbiased is used more in CGI and to get a more photoreal look. Both Iray and 3dlight have biased and unbiased attributes depending on the app and the goal. In DS, Iray leans more towards the unbiased area and 3DL more towards the biased area.
for comics and quick rendering, you can either dumb down Iray, or increase your 3DL skills for the look you want