I cannot colour or texture My OBJ imports

When I import OBJ accessories created in Blender, I cannot add bitmap designs for colour or bump mapping.  With colour, an ornate purple and magenta design for example just came out an insipid lilac.  Do I have to prepare the surface somehow first?


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited March 2018

    You may need to UVmap them first?

    Here's one option: http://www.uvmapper.com/

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • themidgetthemidget Posts: 287
    sriesch said:

    You may need to UVmap them first?

    Here's one option: http://www.uvmapper.com/

    Nice one - thanks.  I tried to learn UV mapping in Blender but found the instructions a little difficult so this is well worth having.  Thanks again.

  • MatCreatorMatCreator Posts: 215

    Wont an unmapped object still accept procedural shaders???

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Wont an unmapped object still accept procedural shaders???

    Yes, as long as there is no pattern associated with it. The pattern will be distorted if not UV mapp9
  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856

    UV mapping is quite easy in blender. 

    go into edit mode on your main viewport and open up the UV editor in another viewport,

    Imagine you were cutting up a paper model in order to lay it out flat on a surface. 

    in edit mode start selecting all the edges where those seams will apear. Press Ctrl+e > Mark Seam.

    Once you've marked all the seams, press A to select all and then press U > unwrap.

    It will then unfold the entire model into the UV window.

    In material editor, create a new material, and with the entire model still selected, (or the parts you want to assign the material to) click assign. 

    then go into texture editor and create a new texture. Change type to "image or movie" Open the image, and you're done. 


  • themidgetthemidget Posts: 287
    bradrg said:

    UV mapping is quite easy in blender. 

    go into edit mode on your main viewport and open up the UV editor in another viewport,

    Imagine you were cutting up a paper model in order to lay it out flat on a surface. 

    in edit mode start selecting all the edges where those seams will apear. Press Ctrl+e > Mark Seam.

    Once you've marked all the seams, press A to select all and then press U > unwrap.

    It will then unfold the entire model into the UV window.

    In material editor, create a new material, and with the entire model still selected, (or the parts you want to assign the material to) click assign. 

    then go into texture editor and create a new texture. Change type to "image or movie" Open the image, and you're done. 


    Thanks - I'll give it another go in case it's useful but I found UV Mapper easy to use and it was the solution I was looking for.


    I wanted to post the results I had with and without UV Mapping on a pot I made in Blender but there doesn't seem to be a way to post images here if they are not already posted online.  Without UV mapping it seems to use colour from the pattern but as a single homogenous colour rather than a pattern.


  • themidgetthemidget Posts: 287

    OOps, - re my last comment, I see now that I can attach a file.  Here it is.

    Pot UV Test.jpg
    780 x 874 - 272K
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