Quick issue: how do I correct this mistake please

ToobisToobis Posts: 969

Not sure what I did here but how do you get rid of the box (pic) I have here so its just a normal default daz scene? Thanks.

1920 x 1080 - 271K


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    That is the aspect frame, everything inside that will be rendered because that is what your camera is set up to see, anything outside wont.

    To remove it go to the small icon with the arrow and four lines at the top right of the window, click on it and untick Show Aspect Frame.

    Even if you remove it only what is in that camera view will be rendered not everything you see in the Viewport.

  • ToobisToobis Posts: 969

    K got it now. Thankyou :)

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