Casting shadows.

Hi everyone. Try as I might I cannot get my figures/objects to cast a shadow. Any advice please?
Thank you.


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Sounds like you are rendering in 3Delight? Select the light in the scene tab, go to parameters/lights and look for shadows, you have 3 options, shadows off, deep shadow mapping or raytraced shadows, choose the last one as it renders the fastest and looks good. In render settings set shadow samples to about 4, the softer the shadow the more samples you will need to get it to render smooth. Also check the shading rate, the default is 1, I'd recommend you start with 0.5. The lower shadow rate the sharper the render. Also set gamma correction on and gamma to 2.20.

  • Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 520

    Hello Sven - Thank you very much for such a detailed reply. I will definately do as you suggest when I next use DAZ3D. Most helpful.

    Best wishes.

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