Exporting Michael Skeleton not as single mesh
So I'm trying to export out the Michael 4 skeleton. But no matter what format I choose and settings I change, the skeleton goes from a bunch of separate bones in DAZ, into one mesh in 3ds Max. In 3ds Max, the only format from DAZ that even mentions combining the mesh is OBJ. I basically need to animate the foot and legs in 3ds Max, but I'm running into this issue. I swear at some point we could export the bones as separate objects. Also having the same issue with the Michael 4 body. It puts eyes, eyelashes, teeth, tounge, basically everything from Michael 4 into one mesh. If the body and skeleton are exported together, they come in as two separate objects.
Maybe a way not to export the hierarchy, or to remove the hierarchy in DAZ before exporting?
Any tips on what settings, if any, that work to do this?
Try these settings. It works for me with maya just importing the .obj.
if it dosen't work check if you have something set wrong on 3ds Max and test it on a free program like blender.
OBJ is mesh only, it doesn't carry any rigging information. Collada and FBX do carry rigging, but I'm not sure if they will handle the legacy rigging used in Michael 4 - you might try the Edit>Figure>Riigging>Convert to Weight mapping (I think) command, but it may not give useful results here
Just tried importing into Max 2016 and the bones came in as individual objects. We just started using 2018 serveral months ago, so something must have changed with the OBJ importer in 3ds Max. I'll try on another workstation before submitting yet another bug report to Autodesk.
Unfortunately the FBX and Collada rigs left out almost all of the foot bones (for animation, not the skeleton). I needed those for a detailed closeup of the foot doing a walk cycle, shifting of the foot and toes and other crazy stuff I don't want to think about. The skinning wasn't that good either with Michael 4 when exported. Might be better with the newer gen characters. I don't have to reskin the entire character with detail, just to foot. So it is easier to start over.
Thanks for the input you two.