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I think you did a really nice job with the lighting but I am not sure how long that image will last due to the black bars ;)
V6 wearing Kickass Angel for V4 fitted entirely with autofit via V4toG2F
Wow I am glad I got it before it was pulled, I never have issues using the hair but I have never tried anything beyond basics with it either. I think pulling it from the store might be a little extreme, just admit that it has a bug and sell it for a reduced price or even free. I think it is a nice looking hair style straight out of the box which is why I bought it in t he first place. Is it still in our downloads if we bought it before or is it gone from there too. Hehe I just haven't checked myself.
The files for the hair are still there in your library which is good..
I'm totally ticked that the Pyrit Hair was pulled and no announcement was made. That's the hair I promoted to folks on my Art Studio thread. Hmmph. Well, fine. I'm going to do it's own separate post so other people who aren't into V6 (and won't be reading this thread) will know it's been pulled.
A couple of more renders with Genesis 2 (using Norma (The Keeper of Snakes) and Nyssa (Vacation Argument)
Norma is using clothes that came with te pro bundle, while Nyssa is using (fo V4), the shoes are Pumps 2 for V6
Vacation Argument
The Keeper of Snakes
Nothing dramatic here. This is G2, with Bree skin and SSS 50 shader, using IG Photo Studio lights. I spun the dials a little to create "Wendy". I added the expression with G2 Sweet Emotion, and used the head and body morph packages.
She is wearing My Vest 2 for V4, and Jeanz V4. (Please note they are NOT for Genesis1
I must say I am impressed with the realistic shapes shown during posing, which adjust better than G1 does. The curve of the back of the thigh is more realistic, as well as the neck, elbow, knee and ankles.
I am doing various poses to see how the G2 shape adapts to gravity and bends, and I like what I see.
Bree.....wonderful character! Works well in OctaneRender
PDSmith - just wondering if you'd be able to share your water settings? The water in that render looks great :)
Here's a side by side comparison of GF2 on the left, V5 Supermodel dialed up on the right. Both are wearing Genesis1's bikini, and both are using one of GF2's default poses. Vicky 5 is wearing Pure Hair Catwalk, while GF2 (who looks strangely like Milla Jovovich to me!) is sporting the lovely V4 Glamour Hair. The Glamour Hair fit GF2 with no problem whatsoever. I don't own the V4 to GF2 thingy, so I lied and told Autofit that the hair was designed for Genesis. Autofit was rather obliging, and gladly went about fitting the hair in place perfectly on the first try.
Lighting is Dimension Light, default shader on both, with a render shading rate of 1. I adjusted GF2's height ever so slightly so as to match V5 Supermodel. I wanted to get as close to an "apples to apples" comparison as possible. My initial conclusion is that both look very nice. The one area I noticed was Vicky 5's elbow, which looks a little too sharp to me. I purposely dialed up some fitness on both models to show off the abdominals, to see if I could notice any signifigant difference. My untrained eye spots none. I now wonder if Vicky 5 could benefit from the elbow / knee product which was recently released. But "out of the box" GF2 does appear to have better bends.
I did a comparison render also, V5 vs. V6. Used Nordic Hair and one of the V6 poses on each (which might not be fair to V5). Each is wearing her own standard bikini. Set is from the Barn Yard, lighting is one of the DAZ Dimension Lights presets.
No tweaks (except changing head pose and expression to suit camera angle...same pose controls values used on each figure)...this is straight "out of the box."
Image 1: V5 Supermodel
Image 2: V6 with Bree Elite skin (same as V5...not the version that comes with Genesis 2 Female)
Image 3: V6 with her default skin
I'm liking V6 a lot so far. That SSS on her default skin looks a bit strong/weird, though...
One more...V6 with the default Belle skin, this time with the "V6 Belle Skin SSS 25" preset applied. Much better in my opinion.
Edited to add version with better render settings and depth of field. It's the top one. It's got the SSS set at 50%.
Sorry, duplicate post.
Here is Genesis 2 Female.... the free model only that comes in your product library... you get these basic clothes ... the skin material....and a few poses... the hair I had already PH Sweet. Its worth downloading and playing with even if your not ready to spend money on her.
I posted this in my art studio thread but will put it here too. This is Bree (Starter Essentials?) with Udane Hair, and the Darkwood Heroine outfit. It is all out of the box, no tweaking, to see how it did. Other than one button going into her arm which is easy to tweak (and I would but this render took hours and it achieved its purpose to show the outfit and skin textures) the outfit is just a plop on, move on type thing. Love the textures of the skin and Darkwood Heroine.
EDIT: When you click to enlarge, be sure to click again and it will enlarge even more. Love that feature!
EDIT: I put scale at 100.9% and that green sleeve expanded and the "button" was fine. See spot render (only sleeve is done)
Here is a render of both the base Genesis 2 Female, on the right in the red dress, and Victoria 6, on the left in the black and white dress.
Both dresses are the Hongyu's JerseyDress 2 for V4 auto fitted. This dress does not auto fit smoothly to Genesis 2 (or Genesis 1 for that matter). You need to add a smoothing modifier. (Select dress, Edit -> Figure -> Geometry -> Apply smoothing modifier. This add a "Mesh Smoothing" item in parameters. I had to change the smoothing type to Generic and the smoothing iterations to about ~20. Some values will cause dress to explode all over. Just try a different value till you get reasonable results with no poke through or holes in the dress.)
Victoria 6's hair is Hr-096 hair by ali. This a V4 hair that autofits fine on Genesis 2. The Genesis 2 Female hair is the Radiant Jaguar Hair for Genesis 1 ( On both hairs I am probably using textures from an add on texture set, but I'm not sure from who.
The heels are dx30's Pumps 2 for Victoria 6 (
The set is Bar Interior by SoulessEmpathy ( This set requires a lot of memory to render for reasons I don't understand. The render here required 13 GB of ram for the DAZ process.
Note: I think there is some problem with the Victoria 6 eye material settings in Belle texture. The Iris seems to be faded in renders. I tried turning off SSS in the eyes, but it did not help. Other than SSS, the eye settings looked like they should be fine. The Genesis 2 Female does not have this problem.
Thanks for the detailed explanation mark128! And I was happy to see the shoes- they look good. Now we need MORE shoes for G2 and V6.
You do get some shape and movement morphs, expressions, visemes with the free figure. Here is a cartoon render of well? developed G2F.
Some renders I have done the past few days, taking V6 for a spin.
A test of dynamic 60's clothes, yeah baby.
A shot I have been trying to do for sometime with V4, V5 but the shoulders always gave me fits, V6 looks good.
A head shot where I played with spinning face dials. The V6 face morphs are very well defined, in my noob opinion.
And another headshot with the G1 Radiant Jaguar hair.
These were all rendered in LuxRender via the Luxus plugin. I didn't twaek the V6 skins at all and am very pleased. Lux skin has been giving me headaches since day one and I haven't had time to sit and figure it out. Hopefully with V6 SSS skins I won't have to.
Vangard those are terrific.... esp. the last 2 ladies.
I'm impressed with the lack of color in this thread. Wonder where it is?
Gns2F with V4 Marie Elite skin and a few quick morph dials.
I wonder if i could convert the Ethnicity morphs with Kattey's method ?
Hand pose isn't quite right, hair isn't good, didn't post work it. But just wanted to share an V6/G2 render.
Here is the original image with V6 and a string bikini using pepper hair that I autofit to her.
I'm finding Genesis 2 to be very dynamic with the Morph packs. Here I quickly create a Teen, I spent less than 30 minutes on the whole thing. I had a good looking adult male to but I crashed my Mac accidentally and hadn't saved him. I'll post him after i create him. Standard Default render setting, 2 simple lights, Teen Julie Texture.
I was a fan of V4 but when they introduced Genesis and V5 I must admit to being disappointed. The improved bending was only half-way there and the V5 shape was not nice in my opinion. I must say though that Genesis 2 and V6 are absolutely superb. The bending is so good you can have V6 in any position humanly possible and she still looks as realistic as in the default standing pose. I also love the shape and definition of V6.
Here's two demo illustrations for anyone considering buying V6. No sarcasm by the way please. ;)
Not exactly a render to show off our new girls.. but a render I did after having played around a little with the skin color rbg codes I have as well as the diffuse strength, posting it here in case someone here want to use it as well *smile*
First a pic of all three, than a screenshot of each of them with the settings. All of them were loaded and used as is. From left to right it is....
Left - Genesis 2 as Norma
middle - V6 (think it's the Belle skin she preload with?)
right - Genesis 2 female
Edit... I give up trying to get the screens in correct order.. been trying a few times now and they just mix on their bloody own *growls* Now I'm glad I put them in different poses.. makes it easier to see which screenshot goes with which lady in the render *smiles*
Here's mine, it's G2 with the breast upped to 30% with V5 Tori skin and Taylor hair. G2 is nice, but I didn't invest a lot in V5 characters because she could use V4 skins. I'm still on the fence as to what I'll want to do going forward.
I have one too.
G2, "FW Candace" , " Tequila Hair"
Pose from a V4 Pack
Background and Bikini by me