Getting outside files into Daz. (Via DIM or otherwise)

AlfawulfAlfawulf Posts: 174

To date I've only really used files thatDaz has generated. Sure I've popped a few freebies by luck but 98% daz through the DIM.

But recently I've found creators on other sites that i'd like to use such as

Trick is i can't get DIM to find these files and install them.

And although I've added files manually before, when I try to put them in the scene they turn into blocks quoting missing files.

I've had this problem for years and it's time for it end as i know it's something I simply don't understand about the proper process of doing so.

Hoe do i perform this function with proper understanding??

Videos?? Tutorials??

I've largely taught myself Daz through trial and error til now but this is a stumbling block i coninue to hit..




  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    Go to your DAZ library and look in the My Library folder. There will be a bunch of folders like data, runtime, people, presets, etcetera. Find these same folders in the zip you downloaded, and drag them into your library folder so they merge with the folders you have.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    The zip should hae a \Data folder, alongside a \Runtime folder and oen or more user-facing folders (such as People or props). Those need to be merged into your chosen content directory - if you are on Windows that's simply a matter of dragging those folders into (for example) Documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library, Mac users have to be careful not to overwrite their existing folders though. You will then find the files in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats>My Library>whatever user-facing folders were in the zip.

  • AlfawulfAlfawulf Posts: 174

    Nope nope and nope...

    Yes I've pulled those off before but this isn't working for this file. Usually I unzip and fiond the .obj. Pull it into Daz and save it there. This isn't working either.

    The original seller said thatit should be able to be installed by using the DIM..but I can't get the DIM to find anything.

    Getting REALLY frustrated at this point...angry

    There need to be an instructional video on this...

  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    Which one are you having trouble with? I looked at a couple and they all have a proper runtime structure.

  • edited March 2018

    I've wondered the same thing. Not sure if this is the only way, but this little app should do it.

    Post edited by scottstory_2926497e53 on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    Alfawulf said:
    Usually I unzip and fiond the .obj. Pull it into Daz and save it there.

    If there's an .obj file, that suggests it's a Poser-format item that should be compatible with DAZ|Studio. If so, does the .zip contain anything else in the /Runtime/Libraries/ folder? That will be in Poser format as well, so you must look in the Poser Formats section of the Content Library pane. Also, if there is a proper Poser-format figure or prop file, importing only the .obj will not include any morph or texture data (if there is any).

    Which item is this? I've downloaded a couple of the freebies from DA and had no problems installing manually. The only hiccup I can see is that the included Iray material preset isn't — it's been saved as a 3Delight material, although it does look OK when I do an Iray render.

  • AlfawulfAlfawulf Posts: 174

    Go to your DAZ library and look in the My Library folder. There will be a bunch of folders like data, runtime, people, presets, etcetera. Find these same folders in the zip you downloaded, and drag them into your library folder so they merge with the folders you have.


    Only missing info is that once you find the similar folders (data, runtime etc.) you go down the tree and copy and paste when you have a change of folder. Which is generally gonna be in your target area. Like Clothing and peops and such..

    Seriously this has eluded me for years....

    I'm also serious when I say this program is SO intricate and powerful it needs to be TAUGHT!!

    I'd totally go to a tech school to learn it...possibly instruct it.

    At the very least in a class with others like Hex and Photoshop..


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