Startting over

vindazivindazi Posts: 670

I can not find all of my content.  When I have tried to add it, it seems to get half way through and quit or otherwise fail to download everything.  I want to reinstall all of my content and direct Daz to point to it, i.e. start over. Can someone help me with this by giving me step by step instructions.

I am on a Mac, running 10.12  and Daz pro edition.


I would also like to clear up the error message below I get everywitm I open DAZ. The issue may be connected.

Daz ScreenShot.png
864 x 356 - 71K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Yes, they are almost certainly symptoms of the same issue. Hopefully it's as simple as not having installed PostgreSQL, so that would eb the first thing to check in Install Manager (you will see at least two versions, 32 and 64 bit, unless the mac has only the 64 bit - only one may be isntalled at any time).

  • votovoto Posts: 6

    I have the same experience with the CMS inside of DAZ3d. Downloads are slow and the installation stops sometimes even it is completely downloaded.
    I prefer the "DIM" to install and download content for DAZ3d Studio. 

    Beside that I prefer to install the content / assets on a seperate hard drive. Using a SSD only for my application and the operation system "Windows".
    Which makes it easier for me to create system image as backup without bean worry about the loss of content or any assets or ridiculous big backup files.

    I have to admit that the features of the CMS are good. But I don't use it ... at this time ... because I don't wanna worry about a database if I restore my system.
    That's the reason why I do not install the PostgreSQL either (Because I dont need it)

    The only downside is that on every start of "DAZ3D Studio" ... a warning comes up!
    Which I wish it could be suppressed!!

  • vindazivindazi Posts: 670

    Yes, they are almost certainly symptoms of the same issue. Hopefully it's as simple as not having installed PostgreSQL, so that would eb the first thing to check in Install Manager (you will see at least two versions, 32 and 64 bit, unless the mac has only the 64 bit - only one may be isntalled at any time).

    How do I check the Install Manager? It doesn't come up when I search for Install Manager.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Check that you have software for your platform enabled in the Download Filters list, available through the button on the Ready to Download tab.

  • vindazivindazi Posts: 670

    Do you mean DAZ or the Install Manager? I can't find it in either.


    I don't know how to reconcile the 32 vs 64 bit issue. What is the step by step method to work that out?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    In Install Manager, in the Ready to Download tab, click the Doenload Filters button and make sure that Software and at least one (32 or 64 bit) of the boxes for your operating system checked - presumably 64 bit if you have a 64 bit OS, but you can check both. Click Accept. Type PostgreSQL in the filter box at top-right. That should show at least one entry (two if both 32 and 64 bit are checked, twice that if you have the DS betas) - is one in the Installed tab? If not, install (one of them (prsuambly the 64 bit one if that's possible).

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