CAD plugin for Studio



  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited April 2018

    The locked down part is obvious in terms of content creation in iclone. 

    Can you export their native figure to create content like outfits and 

    props for them like you would in DS? So far all that has been stated is 

    importing other props being imported. You're paying $250 for the 

    program, but you can't use your own content with their figures if you 


    .......Unless you become a RL  PA.
    just as you cannot create  the highly coveted "HD morphs" for Daz studio unless you become a Daz PA.



    That's reserved for inhouse staff or their partners, not regular users. 

    DS is free of course, but anyone can make content for those figures 

    and either offer it for free, keep it for themselves or sell it at other 

    places, hence the lock down.. and hence is doesn't compete with DAZ 


    Your are technically correct 
    that in the area of skilled clothing and hair modelors
    it is easier for us to create & Deploy our custom assets in Daz studio.
    and you seem to be undestandably looking at it only from the perspective of a content merchant  creating selling your Character morphs or clothing.

    But Remember that Iclone is tailored for animated filmakers first
    Most animated filmmakers  have a focus on visual story telling 

    through animation and are not content creators themselves except for those few outliers such as... well .... Mewink


    What percentage of poser users are still paying for their core application & updates because of the liberal policy on bringing  your own meshes into the "fitting Room"??

    For that matter what percentage of DS users
    ( one framers or animators) are taking full advantage
    the  incredible ease with which we can rig clothing ourselves
    with the transfer utility??.

    If the endless threads about lack of male content or regular non  skimpy clothing  are any indication, I would guess very few.

    Not going to have a big debate about my personal assessment of the 

    Market ...views will vary 

    Latest just say that >>in My opinion<<
    The rapid advances in Iclone 
    Are putting RL in the position to directly compete with Daz studio
    for  new incoming  End users to the prefab 3D humanoid market and existing users of other high end  programs needing decent looking prefab humanoids to import into their environments
    and former poser  "refugees" looking to buy into a different figure content ecosystem.

    P.S. if you truly  Do not think RL competes  directly with Daz
    then post a link to the RL site /store and wait for the email
     politely informing you that your post was removed and why it was removed.


    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited April 2018
    wolf359 said:



    .......Unless you become a RL  PA.
    just as you cannot create  the highly coveted "HD morphs" for Daz studio unless you become a Daz PA.

    That's an apple to oranges comparison... Unless you are an internal developer or a RL professional, you can't even make a pair of pants for a native character, but you sure can with the models in DAZ. You're trying to compare that with internal tools not being available to the public and not needed for a chararacter content development.. even anyone can become an IOS developer, but certain things are only available internal developers but doesn't stop people from making content... 

    But Remember that Iclone is tailored for animated filmakers first
    Most animated filmmakers  have a focus on visual story telling 

    And animation isn't the primary focus of DAZ studio, thus the apps aren't really competing.

    There's no need to address the rest of the post because it goes back to importing external content rather than the native that I was speaking of.. and that, whether you are doing if for oneself or for sale, you're locked out making content.. you can send an email to iclone for access but there's no guarantee you'll be accepted... but with DAZ Studio, you can immediately export the figure to programs like modo or hexagon and make content for your own stories.

    Post edited by Male-M3dia on
  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513
    edited April 2018
    Unless you are an internal developer or a RL professional, you can't even make a pair of pants for a native character, but you sure can with the models in DAZ.

    Where are you and wolf getting this idea???

    You don't even need to export the character bases, they literally hand them out to anyone.

    "Native content" is just marketing talk for "our stuff."

    Post edited by agent unawares on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610

    did you watch my video?

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    Unless you are an internal developer or a RL professional, you can't even make a pair of pants for a native character, but you sure can with the models in DAZ.

    Where are you and wolf getting this idea???

    You don't even need to export the character bases, they literally hand them out to anyone.

    "Native content" is just marketing talk for "our stuff."

    Thank for those links sir!!yes
    I have been so busy focusing on the 
    recent developments in the Iclone animation tools/options
    along with modeling custom clothing for DS/Genesis
    that I  honestly have neglected to deeply investigate
    content creation for Iclone.blush

    This looks great for us animators who also 
    model clothing

    Thanks again.!!!!smiley

  • wolf359 said:

    "I want to apologize for sounding defensive.  Really, I think I must not have gotten my original thought across to everyone.  The other day, I was looking at various remodeling software packages and I thought to myself, "Hey, I already have tons of content and an excellent rendering software...There must be some way to take advantage of that to create a scale accurate room.  After all, Studio already has all the capability."

    When I got to looking at it, I realized that the only thing that is really missing is the ability to input accurate dimensions.   That's what got me thinking about this in the first place.  I think that by using the term "CAD," it immediately made everyone think of Autocad and other professional level tools.  But, the plugin doesn't need to create the models - just make them fit.  I suppose what I'm really thinking about for a plugin is a simple dimensional modifier script with texture and floorplan layout options, that allows you to work in inches or millimeters instead of the percentage or unit."

    In my opinion no PA would consider such a specialized plugin
    worth the dev time  considering the number of DAZ users who need such acurrate measurements within  Daz studio.

    Most people buy content that is already scaled to be proportioned for the latest Genesis figures.
     The average DS user  simply does not care about a loveseat's dimensions in millmeters, only that the entire prop is scaled right for V8 or whomever.

    You keep talking about what the average user cares about.  Do you really know...or is this just a guess?  You could be right.  I don't know.  I'm not privy to Daz sales analysis.  This is just an idea that I think would be useful.  Also, out of a group of buyers, does a product have to appeal to every user to make it viable?  Out of the 30,000 available Daz items, I've only purchased about 3000 of them.  So, maybe I've only been interested in 10% of the offerings.  But, I think Daz is still pretty happy to have me for a customer.  I tend to buy a lot of customization morphs and tools to make unique figures.  That is why I bought Figure Metrics, Facegen, and lot of merchant resource textures and morphs.  I've bought loads of shaders to customize people, places, and things.  Now, I'd like to apply the same dimensional measuring and alteration to structures and props that I can do with people.  Is that really that crazy?

    So far, I've heard from 3 or 4 people who presume that no one besides me would have any interest in such an addon.  And, from what I'm reading, it doesn't seem like these several people are the average user, but users that are well aquainted with 3D modeling in more powerful programs.  But, that doesn't really tell me what the rest of the Daz community might like.

    As to the "loveseat's dimensions in millimeters," you could be right about that.  But, the idea was more for the ability to customize a given set to a customized room.  I've already stated this many times - the ability to do everything I've suggested is already available in Daz, except for the conversion to dimensions.  And, it is already demonstrated via Measure Metrics that the existing dimensions of a figure can be measured and altered accordingly with a script that conforms to real world dimensions instead of percentages or units.  So, it might not be the super complicated development that some of you are saying, to apply the same idea to walls, rooms and inanimate objects.

    Maybe I'm completely off base about this.  But, you guys might suggest ways that the idea could be implemented so that it would be of interest to Daz users, instead of just assuming that it can't or won't be done.  

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    Unless you are an internal developer or a RL professional, you can't even make a pair of pants for a native character, but you sure can with the models in DAZ.

    Where are you and wolf getting this idea???

    You don't even need to export the character bases, they literally hand them out to anyone.

    "Native content" is just marketing talk for "our stuff."

    Again, it's locked down. You posted before you actually checked the EULA.

  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    What are you talking about? You posted a whole lot of incorrect info about people not being allowed to create content for iClone and not being allowed to use the base figures, let me go through some of it specifically,

    Can you export their native figure to create content like outfits and props for them like you would in DS?

    Yes, you can.

    So far all that has been stated is importing other props being imported. You're paying $250 for the program, but you can't use your own content with their figures if you wanted.

    Yes, you can.

    That's reserved for inhouse staff or their partners, not regular users.

    No, it isn't.

    I corrected you, these are pretty common misconceptions, no need to be embarrassed (maybe a tiny bit embarrassed since you kept talking about it after Wendy posted a video showing that she imported her custom outfit into iClone, but hey everyone misses things). You learned something new about iClone. Chill.


    wolf359 said:
    Unless you are an internal developer or a RL professional, you can't even make a pair of pants for a native character, but you sure can with the models in DAZ.

    Where are you and wolf getting this idea???

    You don't even need to export the character bases, they literally hand them out to anyone.

    "Native content" is just marketing talk for "our stuff."

    Thank for those links sir!!yes
    I have been so busy focusing on the 
    recent developments in the Iclone animation tools/options
    along with modeling custom clothing for DS/Genesis
    that I  honestly have neglected to deeply investigate
    content creation for Iclone.blush

    This looks great for us animators who also 
    model clothing

    Thanks again.!!!!smiley

    You're welcome. yes

  • TTGeekTTGeek Posts: 4
    edited December 2020

    To the original topic..

    This thread says that DS is a loss leader, it is not. DAZ makes money through content and making DS available to more people at no cost brings in more content revenue, not to mention sparking the imaginations of people who would not otherwise be able afford the software. It is not a loss.

    As for a CAD plugin, I think it would be a great addition. Maybe not a full CAD drop-in, but a CAD assistant to help with primitive sizing and placement. Example, instead of specifying the size of a new box primitive in meters, I would like to specify the exact size for X, Y and Z at the time of creation instead of having to scale down or up for the shape I want. Being able to have a simple plugin that would facilitate this within DS would be a great time saver, saving more involved CAD functions to dedicated CAD programs. My focus is on creativity and creativity is enhanced whenever time saving tools are made available. I for one would buy a plugin like this without second thought.


    Post edited by TTGeek on
  • TTGeek said:

    To the original topic..

    This thread says that DS is a loss leader, it is not. DAZ makes money through content and making DS available to more people at no cost brings in more content revenue, not to mention sparking the imaginations of people who would not otherwise be able afford the software. It is not a loss.

    That is pretty much a definition of loss leader - something that is sold at a loss (or given away free) in order to generate additional revenue, such that on balance the store receives more money than it would have without the loss-making product.

    As for a CAD plugin, I think it would be a great addition. Maybe not a full CAD drop-in, but a CAD assistant to help with primitive sizing and placement. Example, instead of specifying the size of a new box primitive in meters, I would like to specify the exact size for X, Y and Z at the time of creation instead of having to scale down or up for the shape I want. Being able to have a simple plugin that would facilitate this within DS would be a great time saver, saving more involved CAD functions to dedicated CAD programs. My focus is on creativity and creativity is enhanced whenever time saving tools are made available. I for one would buy a plugin like this without second thought.


  • If I may chime in.

    I have written a C++ based Finite Element Stress modeller from scratch in 2004. I was desperate, as I had just spent 6 weeks using the NISA Display 3 modeller to generate aircraft interior models for interface load and stress purposes. And the NISA modeller was so awful, I couldn't do worse. It used a Unix window ported off a DOS box running in Windows NT 2000. It was dire. The native Windows Display 4 modeller was even worse and even slower. I took 6 weeks to get a modeller that was useful, and 12 weeks to get a limited but fully functional FEA modeller that enabled me to earn my income for 3 years using it, getting jobs done for less despite the hourly rate being higher. So, I have an idea of what is needed to write a modeller. It's downloadable here: if you're interested, it's been seriously overtaken by CAD integrated FEA modellers, so it's largely redundant now. I use it for doing conversion work going between SolidWorks and DS as the two have no common file formats, and I get them to talk to each other via a separate home written stl->obj translator (also downloadable there), but sometimes the models need modify, or surfaces being allocated to facets etc.

    Frankly, I wouldn't touch the idea of a modeller within DS with a barge pole.

    Why not? Because there is so much software around now that is so much better suited to modelling that it would take a couple of years of one person working full-time to get to an equivalent level of quality, by which time the competition has moved on and more work is needed. When would you get that sort of investment returned? It's possible to do, but a total waste of time and money. It's less effort and less of a waste of money to empty your wallet down a drain.



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