Did Smoothie 3D just die? (Solved)
Last year I made two models using the free on-line modeling tool called Smoothie.
Today I tried to make a third model, but when I tried to save it, Smoothie coughed up an error message saying it encountered a problem trying to save it. Similar error message for when I tried to upload a reference image. Tried saving a much simpler model and uploading a simpler image. Same errors. Tried different browswers. Same errors.
So Smoothie is apparently dead. Can anyone verify this for me?
If it is dead, that's frustrating and sad. When it worked, Smoothie could make a cookie-cutter extrusion of a complex "hand drawn" curve instantly. Hexagon can't even save such a model without crashing.
Post edited by lukon100 on
Update: Smoothie was indeed broken, but not dead. The develpoers fixed the problem.