Genesis 1 Head Pose Controls

Hi all!

I feel like I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I can't find the Pose Controls for Genesis (1) Head. This is to say, inside the parameters tab, under "pose controls" there are options for "arms," "feet," "legs," and "torso;" but no "head'... This option exists for every other Genesis version I have installed. 

Any/all help appreciated. Thanks!


  • MydsMyds Posts: 106

    Oh, I got this one! 

    The head is so specialized, better to click on the head...there you'll find the usual rotate, etc. controls, but also controls for moving the face--vizemes, emotions, etc.  

    In my experience, even if you see these head-oriented pose controls in the folder for the base figure, it's best to only use the ones on the head.

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