Darwins' Schtuff Pt Deux



  • Boy, she's going to keep her big brother(s) busy!

  • She's gorgeous and I agree with Sonja. They're going to be quite busy.

  • lol-thanks, and yeah. Lil'Bit (Celian's nick-name) could keep Christian and Alessandro (Salvatore's oldest son, Christian's cousin) busy at times, that's for sure.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Wow, all your characters are amazing! I've got a lot of catching up to do on this thread, but just wanted to have said that.

  • Thank you, TigerAnne!  Welcome to our little corner here. 

  • Here is Celia with Christian- now you can see why she is called Lil' Bit.  She's also a dancer, which the size helps.  Ballet, Hip Hop, Crunk, you name it, she dances it.

    There will be one preset for this size (about five foot four), and a no scaled preset for people that won't want her so teeny.

  • Adorable and I love that she's not that high.

    A couple of centimetres higher than me and my daughter. She's a dancer too (contemporary/modern dance) 

  • Ha.  Nothing wrong with that!  Professional dancer?

  • Nope nothing wrong with that indeed : D

    No not professional, she's turning 13 this month and only just started taking lessons a year ago. We only have one place here that teaches Modern dance/contemporary.

  • Aw, well, I know she'll do fine.  At that age, it's all about learning about something you love or want to do- so at least she has that avenue to go down. 

  • I sure can not wait to see more of the lil sister!!

  • Aw, well, I know she'll do fine.  At that age, it's all about learning about something you love or want to do- so at least she has that avenue to go down. 

    Thank you :)

    And she loves it and has lots of fun. She already had her first solo with her own choreography. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    Looking good, DM! It will be really nice to have a more average sized female character. So many of the characters in the store are pretty much amazons and not at all realistic. Most of the female characters in the store seam to be about as tall as the average man. 

  • That's awesome, FM!  Congrats to your daughter. :)

    Thank you, Diva!  It's good to have variety, and some "normal" in the mix-I agree.  And for those that like the model/amazon height, there's still that option, too.  Hopefully I'll have some more example renders soon-we're crazy at work again, and doing 12 hour days and mandated Saturdays for a bit longer.

  • Wow what a great render the skin is looking great and the muscle tone is just amazing on her!!

  • Thank you!

    I finally finished Jared's base skin- and brows - and a set of eyes. XD  Well, he has several, but this is the first non-normal type of eye that I've finished on him so far.

    And the lighting really, really hates this hair.

  • Render of Celia-non scaled version.  Finished her make ups, eyes, fibermesh brows and colors for those as well as one of the three sets of lashes she'll have. Everything else is done but for the nail polishes, dial and runtime icons and she'll be ready for the randomizer picker. I'll have a close up tomorrow of this shot to post after it renders.

  • You have a small-footed hobbit too? She's kinda cute, like mine. :D

  • Great muscle tone and lovely skin. I like her petite version most. it fits her.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Truly love her muscle tone! She's a beauty and seems a little cheeky too :)

  • Small footed hobbit-that's funny! 

    Thank you, everyone.  I definitely like the petite version of her as well, for the same reason. It seems to suit her.

    Here is the close up of that render:

  • She is beautiful!  And I have to agree, her petiteness fits her.  And Jared, wow those eyes!  I'm such a sucker for exotic eyes


  • Thank you!

    Aaaand Divamakeup won the randomizer for testing Celia for G8F out. I've PM'd her. :) Soon, it will be Jared for testing. BWHahahah.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Grats Diva :) 

  • Congrats Diva. Have fun ! 

  • "Hobbitses are tricksy" or so Gollum said... :)


    And congrats to Diva on getting to play with the new girl.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited September 2018

    Thank ya!  His name is Jared-the computer genius within my s/o and my "Family" story.

    The hair, Carola,is Kieron Hair for Genesis 8 Male and I used Sloshwerk's Colorwerks, one of the Brunette settings and a notch below the base gloss utility setting for this one.

    LMAO! I have a Jared in my Black Kat series who is a computer genius! He looks different but that's hilarious- we're swimming in the same creative river for sure! (My Jared is one of the energy twins, which I'm using your Iain for.)

    PS. He and Celia look great! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Don't forget about me Darwin!!!!

    Would love to get my grubby little paws and Jared and make him do all kinds of great things laughdevilangel

  • That is funny, Llynara!  XD  My Jared is not a wild and crazy guy, and his coloring is different, but I tweaked him a bit.  I didn't forget about you Saph-you're on the list!  I use a randomizer with numbers at people's names that haven't tested yet and enter the total into the randomizer to get my next tester. ;) 

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