Look at my hair dont install

I have several time tried to install LAMH. But it never shows up in DAZ. When i install it it tells me its installed. I know where to look for it
in Daz studio- But it never shows up. Anyone knows the reason?


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Have you activated it with the serial number?  You have to go to the Help tab at the very top of Studio and go to About Installed Plug Ins.  then scroll down the list til you get to LAMH and then put in the serial numbers.  You may have to restart after that and then it should show up in the Tools tab for you.

  • My 3D SpinMy 3D Spin Posts: 608

    Have you activated it with the serial number?  You have to go to the Help tab at the very top of Studio and go to About Installed Plug Ins.  then scroll down the list til you get to LAMH and then put in the serial numbers.  You may have to restart after that and then it should show up in the Tools tab for you.

    There is no serial number for the free version of LAMH. But it was not in any plugin list

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Ah the free version I don't have that installed.  You might check on the LAMH thread in the Art studio and ask Allessandro, he should be able to talk you through it.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370

    Try going to windows > panes, look for it there if you see it click it then after the pane pops up drag it to the left and that may work. I was having a sorta issue like that. I was trying to add it at the bottom with the timeline and such. 

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