Scenes Not Saving?
So I have a complex scene with lots of parts. I get them all arranged and save the file. Later I find the computer and or program has rebooted and when I open the scene none of the changes I've made are saved. Anyone else have this happen? Is there a way to guarantee that my work is actually being saved?
Firstly, no, I have never had a scene that failed to save when I used the Save function. Exactly what do you mean when you say "Later I find the computer and or program has rebooted"? I have never had DAZ Studio spontaneously reboot. Windows itself would only do this if updates were being applied in the background. The latter could have interfered with your save. How many times has this happened?
First, I'm on a Mac. So that may be a different situation. I also have my two computers hooked into a monitor so I can switch from doing Daz work on one machine to other work on the other machine. The "Later..." is when I eventually switch back to the Daz machine and find that there's a "this computer quit unexpectedly" note, or I just see that Daz is open to a blank new scene. That tells me something strange happened like a crash and reboot. The real problem, though is that hte scene isn't may even say that it was saved at a certain time...but none of the changes I made are evident.
How, exactly, are you saving your file? Are you doing save as - scene Save as -sub scene? And where are you saving from ? The drop down on the top or somewhere else?
I just hit Command-S and see the scroll bar saving.
I don't know how it works on a mac but I would try saving the scene by going to file at the top left, save as, scene and see if that works. Before you start your render.