Scale / Clone issues?
Why is it that some things can't be scaled? I have a wall in a set that I'd like to scale differently and there's no option for it...the scale controls aren't there. Not even the scale tool works. And why can't some things be duplicated as a node instance? Tried doing this with one wall of a set and it created a node of the entire set.
If the wall is a bone of a figure then it can't be instanced as it isn't a separate item. You could use the Geometry Editor tool to make it into a separate prop (by seelcting the wall, then hiding everything else, then deleting hidden - all in the right-click menu).
As for scaling, again if it's a separate bone, try enabling Show Hidden Properties in the Scene pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and that should enable the controls - though how useful they will be will depend on how the figure is set up.
Odd that a wall would be boned to the rest of the room, but I see a bone icon in the scene file. Is there a way to de-bone an item?
Yes, ish.
That will give you a prop version of the wall.