Noob here. Why does my character appear super bright once rendered?

Studio 4.10 (64-bit). Using Victoria 7 only with no lights whatsoever, just a blank canvas and the figure. When I rendershe becomes blinding by a white light. 

544 x 436 - 43K


  • Do you have it set to Dome only or Dome and Scene in the render settings? Render > Render Settings at the menu bar?

    You might have a very bright HDRI set up. Set it to Scene only or lower the Environment Intensity or Environment Map.
    Other than that you might have messed up your ISO Film, F/Stop and so on in Tone Mapping.

    maybe it helps if you click at default at the render settings

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    It looks like you have left the camera headlamp on.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Yes, check your camera. Select it in the scene tab, go to the parameter tab and look for "headlamp". If it is set to aotomatic, set it to "off".

  • DSRTDSRT Posts: 1

    Fishtales said:

    It looks like you have left the camera headlamp on.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you lol I could not figure this out until I read this comment

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