Studio 4.10 (64-bit). Using Victoria 7 only with no lights whatsoever, just a blank canvas and the figure. When I rendershe becomes blinding by a white light.
Do you have it set to Dome only or Dome and Scene in the render settings? Render > Render Settings at the menu bar?
You might have a very bright HDRI set up. Set it to Scene only or lower the Environment Intensity or Environment Map.
Other than that you might have messed up your ISO Film, F/Stop and so on in Tone Mapping.
maybe it helps if you click at default at the render settings
Do you have it set to Dome only or Dome and Scene in the render settings? Render > Render Settings at the menu bar?
You might have a very bright HDRI set up. Set it to Scene only or lower the Environment Intensity or Environment Map.
Other than that you might have messed up your ISO Film, F/Stop and so on in Tone Mapping.
maybe it helps if you click at default at the render settings
It looks like you have left the camera headlamp on.
Yes, check your camera. Select it in the scene tab, go to the parameter tab and look for "headlamp". If it is set to aotomatic, set it to "off".