Feature Request - Daz Studio - Easier Identification Of Paramaters Changed In Key Frames

When editing key frames to build an animation, one can click on the key frame and consult all the parameters to see what the parameters are at that key frame. However, it would be better if Daz had a more detailed overview of what parameters are actually being set by a key frame.
For example, consider a animation sequence that lasts 1 second consisting of 3 key frames: one at the very beginning, one half way through and one at the very end. In the first key frame we change a property, like Rotation Y, to some value. In the last key frame we change the same property, like Rotation Y, to some other value. Lastly in the middle key frame we change a completely different property to some value.
Now, when we glance at the timeline, we see that there are 3 key frames. However, if I navigate to the middle key frame and look at the value of the Rotation Y property I can not immediately tell if this key frame sets it or if it is just an extrapolation of the first and last key frames. In order to determine that, I would need to change the first or last key frame value and see if the middle value changes (i.e. if it does then it is an extrapolation at that key frame whereas if it does not change then it is being set at that frame).
One solution, which was implemented in the free 2MB program Anim8or (www.Anim8or.com), was to use a tree view in a grid. The objects in the scene are listed vertically in the grid while the timeline (in frames) is listed horizontally in the grid. However, the objects, listed vertically, are actually a tree view which can be expanded to show parameters of the object. In frame in which that property changed had a mark in the corresponding grid cell and could be double clicked to bring up a dialog box for that property. This dialog box could not only be used to see what the value at that frame is being changed to but it could also be used to change the value for that key frame. In anim8or, any parameters which where not changed anywhere in the sequence are not listed (to conserve space). In this way, one open any object and immediately see what parameters of that object are changed somewhere in the sequence and by scrolling along the timeline, at exactly what frame.
This means that Anim8or implemented key frames on a parameter by parameter basis instead of a frame by frame basis. So, for example, if at least one parameter changed for an object on frame 5 the object line in the grid would show frame 5 as a key frame but if the object was expanded to show its properties it might show, for example, the parameters Rotation X, Translation Y, and Scale (because they changed somewhere in the sequence) but for frame 5 only Translation Y may be a key frame and the others not if that is the only parameter that was changed on frame 5.
In my opinion, such a overview greatly helps to troubleshoot animation problems because it make it very clear as to what values changed at key frames due to key frame changes and which values changed due to extrapolation from previous and future key frames. It also means that one does not have to move back and forth between frames to determine which values are changing.
It should be noted that Daz does have this to some degree in the timeline parameter graphs but since these graphs take up a lot of space one has to go through the various properties one by one meaning more work to go through all the parameters when troubleshooting. The Anim8or grid view allows a lot more information to be conveyed to the user at once meaning less navigation to find what one is looking for.
I have not had a chance to investigate the use of the Daz SDK. Maybe such a overview could be added using the SDK.