Feature Request - Daz Studio - More Extrapolation Algorithm For Frames Between Key Frames

I would highly suggest implementing different choices of frame extrapolation between key frames in Daz Studio.
Currently, as far as I know, Daz only has one "hard coded" extrapolation algorithm which seems to be a spline based algorithm which uses past a future key frame values to determine the value any any non-key frame. This gives the smoothest transition between key frame values.
The problem with this algorithm is that in sequences where the value is to remain constant between key frames, the value can actually drift because of the values at previous and future key frame. For such sequences, a strictly linear algorithm is better. A strictly linear algorithm produces less smooth transition at key frames but is able to grantee no drift between key frames of the same value.
A perfect example, of such extrapolation choices can be seen in a free animation program for beginners called Anim8or. It is available at www.anim8or.com for free and takes up a little over 2 MB of space (under 4MB with manual). As far as I can tell, development on this software has stopped but both the last stable version and the preview version are usable.
If this free program can implement 3 different extrapolation algorithms in 2MB (actually a lot less than 2MB since the whole program is a little over 2 MB and that includes both 3D modeling and 3D animation functionality) then I would expect Daz Studio to be able to similarly implement a few options. As in the Anim8or program, the user should be given a choice of which extrapolation to use, on a sequence by sequence basis, so that in any animation the user can switch between extrapolation methods as desired. For example, normally the user may use the spline type extrapolation for maximum smoothness but when a parameter needs to remain constant, the user can swap to the linear extrapolation to guarantee no drift. Once the constant portion of the sequence is finished the user can swap back to the spline extrapolation to, once again, gain the benefit of smoother transitions.