fixing distortion in UV map

hi, I am having difficulty in fixing distortion in my UV map. for a character outfit. everytime I stretch out her leg it distorts. I have been trying all kinds of UV mapping on my character outfit, exporting it and then rigging it to the character, but every time I get this distortion.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips or pointers on what to do or where to look to learn how to do it.
Any help would be greatly apriciated.

1859 x 1080 - 359K

1859 x 1080 - 366K
Are you wanting the mapping to be unstretched when the legs are apart and compressed when theya re together? If so you just need to make sure that the polygons which will stretch take up more than their fair share of the UV space in the default shape, so that when stretched they look reasonable.
Yes that is what I want. So I need to give the stretched polygons more space on the uv map. Ok will try it out, thanks.
You could do the mapping on a pose version of the mesh, then load that as a new UV set (Surfaces pane option menu>Load UV Set as I recall).