how to render a picture section of a frame


I am new in this forum and I haven´t worked a lot with DAZ 3d yet. But for me it would be a nice way to create a scene as a single picture that I could transfer to a painting later

I created a scene that I like and that I would like to paint but I need some of the picture sections zoomed in for more details. Otherwise I would have to render the entire picture with ultra hight resolution. And my laptop would probably collapse...

Is there a way to render high resolution pictures of little sections of my entire frame without any changes of the perpective?




  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Yes, there is!  You can do spot renders of a selected rectangle.  Now, to do the 'zoom in' sort of thing, you'll need to do a couple of things:

    Select the spot render tool - Tools> SPot Render (or use Alt-Shift-C) - you'll see the cursor in viewport change to include a little camera..  Before you do anything, howeever, still need to do a couple more things!

    In Render settings (Render> Render Settings - or Ctl-Shift-R) increase the render size (be sure the Constrain Proportion option is on) - also you need Render Traget ( abit furether down the render settings box) to be set to New Window.

    We are now almost there - You now need to tell the system to do that spot render to aa new window, so Window> Panes (Tabs)> Tool Settings.  The Active Tool should say Spot Render if you have not selected a new tool sine picking Spot Render - if it's differenet, pick Spot Render from the drop-down list).  With SPot render as the active tool, click on the New window option of the Render to options.

    Now, wwhn you click, and drag, to highlight an area of your scene that rectangle alone will be rendered to a new window.  Depoending on how big you made the render size you may need to scroll aroudn the new render window to see anythibng!  Once it's done, save and you'll have a file you can take into a graphics program to copy/cut and paste the rendered area out into a new file so it's not awash in a sea of blankness smiley

  • Thank you very much, that was very helpful and would have taken me forever to find out by myself! I´m so happy that there is an internet forum for every problem in this world and people like you are giving the answers! 

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Thank you very much, that was very helpful and would have taken me forever to find out by myself! I´m so happy that there is an internet forum for every problem in this world and people like you are giving the answers! 

    You said you were new to the forums (your post count iagrres with that!) and also to Daz Studio, so I went into extra depth as I know the frustration of somepne saying, "just twiddle the wotsit after giving the boondongle a widdershiens tickle" ... cheeky

  • Haha! I am new to this forum but I had several problems with all kind of things before and I´m always checking the forums for a solution to solve them. But most of the time more accurate answers are rare and you have to wait forever to get them while you´re struggeling with wotsits and boondongles!  So thank you very much for helping me in notime...

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