Install Manager Won't Install
Error message;-
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The installer for "Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)" requires that the installed path for "Photoshop CS6;CS5;CS4 (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
It reads C:/Program Files/Daz 3d/DazStudio4
I have recently installed Daz 4.6, does that change anything?
I have not had a problem like this before
Help would be much appreciated
Do you have the 64bit version of Photoshop CS4, 5 or 6 installed?
If so is the correct path on the Applications page of the Settings dialog in the DIM?
If you have the 32 bit version of Photoshop you can't install the bridge for the 64 bit version.
Since you just installed 4.6 and the bridge for both 64 and 32 bit versions are included the DIM will try to install them and fail if they're not available. If you don't have it then go to the Ready to Install tab and select the plugin and then hide it. DIM will quit trying to install it and not mention it again. If you get the 64 bit version and need to install it you can unhide it later.