SPEX for Genesis



  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited June 2013

    Thank you so much for not giving up on these! You're my hero.

    I was thinking if we now have great aging morphs for Genesis, why not eyeglasses for these new aging characters? Did Grandma get Lasik?

    I've been reading this thread, and I do know there are props out there, but there are several problems with using glasses that are props.

    For one, every time you move the character, you have to reposition the prop! This is no good if glasses are a part of the character's outfit. Too much hassle! The rest of their clothes don't need to be refitted every time they move (at least, not ideally), why should their eyewear?

    Thank you!


    Chibi went on sale today (smay's store) and I got Boy and Girl for under $12. So, now I can add them to the arsenal. This is a sample render with Chibi Girl wearing the glasses. Since her head is so big, the style morphs have very little affect on the glasses. Here, the glasses have Cat Eye Lenses applied, like my previous render. But, you can hardly tell. I'm sorry about that, I don't know how to fix it, but they still look pretty good, I think.

    This also gave me a chance to try my UnderSuit on Chibi. Fits well and I am happy with it.

    500 x 700 - 167K
    Post edited by Slosh on
  • Glampfire GirlGlampfire Girl Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    I love her! They look way better than good enough. You're going above and beyond.

  • HeatherleeaHeatherleea Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    Been playing a bit today, any of these suitable?

    707 x 736 - 129K
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  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Been playing a bit today, any of these suitable?

    Yes, I especially like the giraffe... can you make one with a larger scaled pattern? Or is that a tiled texture which I can adjust on my own?

    I set up an email address for submissions: "[email protected]" without the quotation marks. I am still adding character morphs to the glasses, so I haven't had any time to experiment with the shaders and materials, but I will get to them very soon. I plan to devote a day or two to really trying them out and seeing which to include with the product.

  • HeatherleeaHeatherleea Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    They are tileable so the pattern can be made larger or smaller.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    They are tileable so the pattern can be made larger or smaller.


  • HeatherleeaHeatherleea Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    Check your email, just sent them to you, feel free to tweak them if necessary

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Check your email, just sent them to you, feel free to tweak them if necessary

    Thanks, I will do. The giraffe is getting in for sure, but I'm curious to see the others.

  • none01ohonenone01ohone Posts: 862
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the freebie Slosh, good luck with the glasses.

    855 x 357 - 77K
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for the freebie Slosh, good luck with the glasses.

    Thank-you. They are really going well, I think. Did you want to submit this design for the glasses? If so, email it to "[email protected]" (no quotes)

    Be sure the pattern and shader are your own so there won't be any legal issues.

    Post edited by Slosh on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    I have an important question/addendum to the submission guidelines for shaders and material presets.

    I'm trying to decide whether to include separate folders for each designer's submissions. In other words, when applying mats or shaders, there would be a folder for Slosh's designs, a folder for Wilmap's designs, etc. Or should I go ahead and have a single materials folder? If I go with a single folder, I could name each material/shader with the artist's name (ie. Slosh_TortoiseShell, Wilmap_Kaleidoscope1, etc.) or I could just name them TortoiseShell, Kaleidoscope1, etc and give no credit (except in the documentation).

    What seems like the best way to go with this? I haven't seen anything like this before, so it's new ground to me.

  • HeatherleeaHeatherleea Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    No preference.

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    I'm happy with what ever you decide.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    No preference.

    I'm happy with what ever you decide.

    I think I will keep it down to one folder. That would be less navigating for the user. Naming convention will be just the material name and I will give credit where credit is due in the documentation. I think it's easier and better to make up my mind now when I've only had two people submit so that any future contributors already know how it's going to go.

  • none01ohonenone01ohone Posts: 862
    edited December 1969

    Just playing, was wondering how I could get the texture to run along the arm straight, tried the angle thingy in the shader settings but no joy there. was wondering if you had to rotate the origin.
    I was searching through the forum looking for Saving Shader Presets, could'nt see any. I Tried saving, but no luck, I'll have to give it a break till tomorrow.

    871 x 361 - 87K
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Just playing, was wondering how I could get the texture to run along the arm straight, tried the angle thingy in the shader settings but no joy there. was wondering if you had to rotate the origin.
    I was searching through the forum looking for Saving Shader Presets, could'nt see any. I Tried saving, but no luck, I'll have to give it a break till tomorrow.

    I hadn't even given thought to how the uv's were running along the arm. I will try to rotate the uv's so that they are more horizontal, like an arm should be and the lines run parallel. That should help, I like these frames, too, by the way. I really hope you decide to submit. To save shader presets, you have to select your object (the glasses) in the scene tab, then select ONE material in the surfaces tab (maybe "Arms") then go to File:Save As:Shader Preset. Make sure the material you select in the surface tab is the one that has your shader applied. Made this mistake once or twice :)

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I have finally finished all of the morphs and it seems to be really good. I'm going to spend my time tonight setting up a couple more shaders and rendering thumbnails. Tomorrow I plan to release it to a few people for beta testing. If you are interested, please PM me and I will send you a link to the file once I have uploaded it. I will include a file in the download that suggests some things I am looking for in the testing, but by all means give the glasses a workout and tell me what needs improvement.


  • mcpughmcpugh Posts: 98
    edited December 1969

    The only thing I would strongly advise is that you include a frame that matches what's in style with college and k12 kids, mostly girls. They're kind of shaped like a rectangle and they look close to what granny wore in her day. I personally don't like that style but they seem to be popular.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    yahzown said:
    The only thing I would strongly advise is that you include a frame that matches what's in style with college and k12 kids, mostly girls. They're kind of shaped like a rectangle and they look close to what granny wore in her day. I personally don't like that style but they seem to be popular.

    Do you have an example? I do have morphs that will create a rectangular/square frame, but I'm not sure if it's what you mean. I would really appreciate a pic or a link to a pic.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2013

    Haha, I know exactly what he means because I'm wearing them in black and purple. =P I'm not a college kid though. I just like them better than those massive round lenses.


    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited June 2013

    Vaskania said:
    Haha, I know exactly what he means because I'm wearing them in black and purple. =P I'm not a college kid though. I just like them better than those massive round lenses.


    Ah, yes. This style is completely possible with the existing morphs. I would choose "Horn Rimmed" and then apply "Square Frame" to it to narrow them down. Though, I might consider a separate morph just for this style. At this point, adding morphs is not terribly difficult. I could also just have the settings I mentioned saved out at a Shaping Preset, which may be the way to go. So many options, it's ridiculous. I can't wait to see what others do when they get their hands on them.

    Edit: Like this???

    500 x 700 - 194K
    Post edited by Slosh on
  • mcpughmcpugh Posts: 98
    edited December 1969

    What Vaskania showed you is close to what I see everywhere, maybe even with a thinner height. I'm personally partial to smaller round frames that bring out my German face, but I'm also older. The thin rectangle frames are popular.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    These are damn near identical to my exact pair. If these classes have the capability of having one side be one color, and the back side be another, I'm good.

    858 x 500 - 131K
  • Glampfire GirlGlampfire Girl Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    Those look great!!

  • none01ohonenone01ohone Posts: 862
    edited December 1969

    Still messing about.
    Will E-mail what I've got, made with original textures, though you will probably have to tweak my setting as I'm not really knowledgeable about shader settings. I've also dabbled with bumpmapping the glasses but that would raise the render times.
    Anyway, If my Gimp skills were better, I could've knocked up a textured wireframe. hmmm.

    858 x 355 - 96K
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  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    These are damn near identical to my exact pair. If these classes have the capability of having one side be one color, and the back side be another, I'm good.

    My testers have a different version of this frame, which I improved only minutes ago. I wasn't happy with the one in the beta file, so I reworked it and here is a sample render. I call it Slim Frame cuz I don't know what it's supposed to be called. Anyway, you can't have different colors on the inside and outside, unless you get creative with the UV texture map, but you could actually designate different materials if you were so inclined. I did not put that option in, so I am sorry. But, I hope you like the style anyway!

    357 x 500 - 169K
  • AdemnusAdemnus Posts: 744
    edited December 1969

    Hey Slosh, when are we going to see these in the store? BTW I just spotted someone else making eyeglasses. Have you seen that?

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Hey Slosh, when are we going to see these in the store? BTW I just spotted someone else making eyeglasses. Have you seen that?

    Yes, I saw that thread earlier. I've even had a PM with Dogz, the PA on that project. Ironic, to say the least. But there really was a need for a glasses product for Genesis. Now people will have choices. Choices, gotta love choices!

    I submitted these last week, they are also in QA, so it's just a matter of time. I wasn't sure if I should say anything until later, I don't really know how the process works. Should I have a "Coming Soon" thread? I don't know.

    This thread is so far off of what SPEX has become, it seems more like a WIP. I've got 12 different morph styles now, besides several other shaping and fitting morphs. There are about 48 material settings, including the community submissions from this thread. I chose to go with the conforming glasses option, creating morphs for dozens of characters and faces, the ethnicity bundles, and Evolution face and expression morphs. Of course, not all morphs on the market will work, so I included a pair of prop glasses that have the same style morphs, without the character specific morphs so they work on anyone, including non-Genesis figures.

    That said, I will be buying Dogz' glasses. I think they are really cool and you can never have enough accessories, IMO.

    I hope I thanked everyone for their contributions. I chose several materials submitted here, as well as a quite a few of my own creation. The animal prints and abstracts would not have existed without wilmap and HeatherLee. I just have no talent for that. Anyway, fingers crossed, SPEX will be out "soon." :)

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited July 2013

    Yeah that was rotten luck that we both had such a similar product at the same time,I started on mine back in April but they had to go on the dreaded back burner for while as I embarked on a collaboration with another PA.... Still, I see yours made it to top sellers which is quite an impressive achievement for a first product so congrats!
    Mine have still done rather well so far, (my second fastest ever selling product) so Im not complaining.
    Hopefully we didn't tread on each others toes too much. And likewise ill be picking up a copy of yours shortly, lots of nice variety.
    Kudos :-)

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,217
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    Yeah that was rotten luck that we both had such a similar product at the same time,I started on mine back in April but they had to go on the dreaded back burner for while as I embarked on a collaboration with another PA.... Still, I see yours made it to top sellers which is quite an impressive achievement for a first product so congrats!
    Mine have still done rather well so far, (my second fastest ever selling product) so Im not complaining.
    Hopefully we didn't tread on each others toes too much. And likewise ill be picking up a copy of yours shortly, lots of nice variety.
    Kudos :-)

    Your product is in my cart and will be bought as soon as the next bill for my cc goes through :D

    I did buy SPEX, too, and I have to admit, I love them so far. It's the return of the DAZ Morphing Glasses and then some, and I did sorely miss those :D

    But seriously, my runtime can stomach 2 awesome glasses products easily :D

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