importing joint controller morphs workflow (Solved)

Hi there! I've seen various tutorials on youtube (sickleyield etc) but I'm having problems.
I'm making some free clothes (link to request post) but having problems importing JCM;
As I said in the mentioned post, "For example, I can get one arm to fold perfect, and when I put the morph for the other arm, the previous arm is a mess. "
I tried varied workflows:
Using morph loader pro, Control property Yes (Selecting the bone node in the cloth or leaving it blank using the hiearchy propierties panel to put it manually), Reveres deformations yes/no, make unique/deltas only etcm I tried lot of things.
But like I Said, I must been not grasping some key concept cause I having lot of issues to correctly implement the morphs.
PS: I import FBM and fixing morphs with no problem and they work well.
What does the morph look like if you just import it as OBJ?
Good. Just the cloth in desired position. I even achieve to put the first jcm working (but I tried so different workflows that later on I don't even remember what worked, I even delete and start again the imported cloth over and over) , but the second always deform the first one. I tried with different clothes and different part morphs, something in the workflow is just messed up, sure because I don't exactly know what are the nuts and bolts of add deltaadd substract, keyed etc etc. I've been modelling and selling for years but is not my profession, I just learn to do things with tutorials and documentations, and every tutorial I see has very different workflows (ERC freeze, propierty hierarchy, etc, I don't know if is because different versions of Daz or is my fault. The thing is that I didn't found a tutorial that applies a Second cJPM after the first one and maybe there is some information about applying additional cJPMs....
Does it work if you have only the second bend, and the first is in the default pose (but with the morph loaded)? Corrections really need to be worked on and set up in isolation(or at least, with the minimum number of other factors in play).
I think the issue here is to get the mirrored JCM to work without affecting the other side.
How do you try to apply the mirrored morph? Actualy you just have to do one side and for the other side you need to import the same OBJ again and choose some of these mirror options in the morphloader pro.
Dont try to apply the Mirror morph with some external editors that can mess up the vertex order.
So I revert to the first tutorial I saw,
and doing it second by second I solved.
I was applying the morphs without the character posed. Seeing other videos manually assigning the hierachy propierties confused me.
Obviously I don't know how all the programming works, but at least I can copy the workflow, thanks to all ;)