Tiff images not showing inside DS

I just purchased Gensesis 3 and 8 Female texture Merchant Resource but it doesn't show any images from within Daz Studio. The folders are there but they appear empty. The images are there in file explorer. How do I fix this? Thank you.
Tiff images won't show in the content folders, but you should be able to select them via any image picker menu (Browse>find the folder with the image). The product is not set up for immediate use, apparently, but is a set of maps for creating new textures.
Which version of Studio? Which OS? And 64-bit or 32-bit?
Oh ok, thanks Richard. I thought they would load onto the character as is. I was trying to setup the character with all merchant resource applied then work on the textures to change them. So I need to save the textures into a new folder after I make changes. I think I get it. :)
@namffuak I am using 64-bit.
You can apply themthrough the Surfaces pane, though you probbaly want to make copies for your project (with new file names) before doing so. But at some point you are going to have to go into the Surfaces pane to apply the maps to the shader properties.
Thanks again Richard, good to know.