WIP thread New Users Contest - June 2013



  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    NV Oracle said:
    Ok. We may be reaching out of bounds on the 'Beginner' level, here, Frank, but I'll try anything. Where in the scene would I put the two point lights.

    Thanks for the suggestion, by the way.

    Thanks for the suggestion Frank. I did an experiment with the UberEnvioronment2 light, and I liked the way that it worked, so I think I'm going to keep it, but I left in the three Distant Lights, instead.

    Please let me know what you think, gang.

    Do you have shadows turned on on the points? Try putting the points more towards the top of the scene so it just brightens the scene and doesn't cast shadows. You have multiple conflicting shadow going on there. You should only use the shadows in this particular scene on the Uber light

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    NV Oracle said:
    Okay. Did I say, or do something wrong somewhere?

    Do you mean by not posting a reply? I was at the barn dealing with hail and thunderstorms with my Arabian. He's my baby *Smile* You didn't say or do anything wrong. Enjoy your posts, and good luck in the contest. My dragon might eat your Boi's when they show up over there, lol!

  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited December 1969

    Pete, I was a young teenager during that time (12-16 from 76 to 80), so, while I remember them, it's only from an outsider's point of view. Thank you for the positive comments. It's been quite the learning experience, just as it was when I first worked on lights with you, Miss B, and Robert, over on the DL club forums. I've bookmarked that thread that you mentioned, and I'll take a look at it.

    Frank, I wasn't thinking about shadows on the UE2, or the point lights. Let me take that, and play with it for a bit, and see what happens.

    Novica, sorry about that, dear. It was just my insecurities creeping in. They tend to do that from time to time, although I'm a bit better about it than I used to be, I wouldn't have even considered trying, so this is a big step, for me. I understand what you mean about having to soothe an animal during a thunderstorm. Neither one of my last two pets had to deal with them a lot, because they don't happen a lot here (Northern Nevada, USA), but my brother has never much cared for thunderstorms, and even though he's an adult, now, he still gets nervous during thunderstorms. Good luck to you, as well. My two little boi's just might surprise you, but we'll see. LOL.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, he's actually fine during them, except it was hail and his run in has a metal roof so he'd probably run out in the lightning- and instinct is to get under a tree. We have another round headed in (look at the Pensacola radar) and it will be this way all week. Jaderail in Alabama is getting clobbered off and on this week too I think.

    Anyway, sincerely- wishing you the best in the contest. Proud that you entered and it's very good work, particularly after the changes in poses and lighting.

  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited December 1969

    It sounds like it was a good idea to get him out of it, then, but under a tree would not have been a good idea, either. It's going to be hot here for the next few days, too (Highs in the 100-110 range), but hope fully it will 'cool' down into the low to mid 90's (as if that's really going to make a difference, LOL), so I don't envy you the chance of showers for the next few days. Maybe it will dry up in time for the fireworks.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. Your's is terrific, too, and I never would have thought to use the Mil SubDragon. Although I have a lot of pose sets (I seem to be collecting them, LOL), they just don't seem to be exactly what I need for any given scene. I'm going to have to buckle down, and work on playing with Power Pose, and the dials in the Parameters Tab. This has been a terrific learning experience, and I certainly don't regret it. After having looked at the original render, not even the one I started this thread with, but the ORIGINAL one, before I knew anything about lighting, or anything else, it's hard to believe that I did both of them. I don't even remember what set I took the poses from, that's how bad it was, although this certainly does show that I shouldn't stop the learning, and I definitely don't intend to.

  • Arnold CArnold C Posts: 740
    edited December 1969

    My "first-timer". I experimented with the "Skies of Economy" lighting presets, which I find a bit dark when using "out-of-the-box". After some testing around I finally added 20 % to both UE2 and the skylight to get a more satisfying result.

    Title of the render is "Crescent Street", since I couldn't find a proper name for it and that's what the roadsign says :).

    From the outfit of the woman you could guess she's on her way to a date, maybe to meet her boyfriend. The last thing she'd expect to meet is this huge warmachine, so she freezes in fear. The pilot of it just ignores the tiny pedestrian, for she wouldn't be not much of a thread for him.

    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro.

    800 x 450 - 238K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    My "first-timer". I experimented with the "Skies of Economy" lighting presets, which I find a bit dark when using "out-of-the-box". After some testing around I finally added 20 % to both UE2 and the skylight to get a more satisfying result.

    Title of the render is "Crescent Street", since I couldn't find a proper name for it and that's what the roadsign says :).

    From the outfit of the woman you could guess she's on her way to a date, maybe to meet her boyfriend. The last thing she'd expect to meet is this huge warmachine, so she freezes in fear. The pilot of it just ignores the tiny pedestrian, for she wouldn't be not much of a thread for him.

    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro.

    Is a good render, but the idea is to show the actual interaction between 2 figures.

  • HitManWAHitManWA Posts: 152
    edited June 2013

    Thoughts? Advice? This is my 3rd piece, still trying to get the hang of it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Need to get it under 400kb and it seems like I should do something to make the guys pop a bit more but I haven't figured that out yet.


    800 x 800 - 519K
    Post edited by HitManWA on
  • Arnold CArnold C Posts: 740
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Is a good render, but the idea is to show the actual interaction between 2 figures.

    Thanks. Okay, although I'm not exctly sure if the emphasis is more on "interaction" or more on "figure". :)

    Another try then (a bit more interaction, this time two human characters):
    A most common situation: he took the wrong exit from the "highway", and she starts to tell him off...

    Title: "That ain't no Mars!"
    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4,6 Pro

    800 x 450 - 301K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2013

    LOL! Love it. And For the Ring Fighters that one too. Nice Renders both.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Just a reminder that today is the last day for submissions.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    A most common situation: he took the wrong exit from the "highway", and she starts to tell him off...

    Title: "That ain't no Mars!"
    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4,6 Pro

    I love this render too!! You can almost hear her voice rising up to a shriek by the time she gets to "Mars". ~LOL~
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    OK, has everyone transferred their final render to the entry thread?



  • Arnold CArnold C Posts: 740
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much, Jaderail ans Miss B. Your approval is a nice reward for hours of posing and fighting with the lighting. It took me a while to find out why DS always replaces the scenery lighting from Flipmode's "Solar System" and Kibarretos "Shuttlestar". Control + doubleklick will open a dialog whre you can choose to actually add the lights instead of replacing them.

    Miss B said:

    I love this render too!! You can almost hear her voice rising up to a shriek by the time she gets to "Mars". ~LOL~

    Sounds like you're familiar with a situation like that. I feel with you! :)

    I'm already thinking about a conclusive render where he replies to her that she held the "roadmap" the whole time! :D

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2013

    hitmanwa said:
    Thoughts? Advice? This is my 3rd piece, still trying to get the hang of it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Need to get it under 400kb and it seems like I should do something to make the guys pop a bit more but I haven't figured that out yet.


    First, it's a nice image.

    As to making it pop, there are two suggestions that both relate to the same thing. One, the facial expression of the character being flipped is a bit relaxed for the scene, and I'm not sure why he's looking in the direction he is. It would seem he would either be looking up (but slightly chin down.. ie. 45 approx.) or towards the other character slightly as that would be his center of focus it would seem.

    The second, the body angles, like the facial expression are also a bit relaxed it seems. To give energy to the pose to match the energy in the scene, I would make the body angles slightly more sharp.

    This is often an issue I see in scenes, the energy isn't consistent across the scene, and unless there is a specific reason for it to not be, it is usually an incongruity that people notice subconsciously.

    [Edit] This post was edited multiple times because for some reason the word 'expression' kept getting replaced with [removed]. I have no idea why, but am curious. Perhaps using the word 'expression' is against the TOS under some circumstances?

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2013

    Gedd said:
    [Edit] This post was edited multiple times because for some reason the word 'expression' kept getting replaced with [removed]. I have no idea why, but am curious. Perhaps using the word 'expression' is against the TOS under some circumstances?

    How strange that the expression of the word expression would trigger a reaction like this. I certainly have never heard anyone expressing any opinions on the Likelihood of this expression being somehow not allowed.

    Expression does mean many different things ie

    [removed]language), a thought communicated by language
    [removed]mathematics), a finite combination of symbols that are well-formed according to applicable rules
    [removed]programming), an instruction to execute something that will return a value
    Regular expression, a means of matching strings of text in computing
    Expression marks, (music) notating the musical dynamics
    The expression of milk
    Emotional expression, verbal and non-verbal behaviour that communicates emotion
    Facial expression, a movement of the face that conveys emotional state
    Gene expression, the process by which information from a gene is used in biochemistry
    [removed]sign language), the expressions and postures of the face and body that contribute to the formation of words when signing

    And some of those uses seem to be triggering a similar reaction

    Totally weird

    Edited to add that the [removed] remark seems to have been triggered, in my case, by the fact that the following word, or words, were in parenthesis. It has removed the word and the leading part of the parenthesis.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2013

    Yes, it was the same on mine.. I removed the parenthesis and didn't mention it at the time. This leads me to believe it is part of the code that protects against rogue code being inserted into the forum posts, although it took me a minute since I don't know of any use of the word + () actually being able to trigger an executable set of instructions in html.

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I have sent a link to DAZ 3D, to see what they have to say about this.

  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    hitmanwa said:
    Thoughts? Advice? This is my 3rd piece, still trying to get the hang of it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Need to get it under 400kb and it seems like I should do something to make the guys pop a bit more but I haven't figured that out yet.


    The pose of the thrown guy seems a bit off. I'm not sure what kind of move is actually happening here, but with many throws, you have some sort of circular motion. This would lead to the legs being more spread (centrifugal force), and the upper body pointing to the ground; instead of being parallel to the ground.

    Also, if you put the camera on the other side, one could perhaps see both fighter's faces.

    Just an idea :)

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