Screen Navigation Tool Problems
Over the last few days I've had a real problem with my screen navaigation. I attempt to rotate in a direction and BOOM my camera view is under my environment or far to the left. It's like as soon as I click and begin to drag, it says "No, start again from this random spot BWAH HAHA HA HA!!" Has anyone else run into that? Is this a RAM issue maybe? I have 24 GB of RAM. Any tips would be much appreciated. It's kind of a VERY frustrating thing.
Yes, this is a known issue - it is apparently a Windows/mouse driver issue though that is not undisputed. Some people have said that clicking and holding for a moment before starting to drag will help.
Good tip. I'll try to take a deep breath before I start. You say it's a known issue? As in a recent bug that's been detected and "we're working on it" or "one of those things that happens sometimes and well, just Daz on." I'll take either answer, was just curious.
It is not a DS bug, according to the developers, and the mouse handling code did not change to trigger it - it also affects some other applications, so the conclusion is that it is a Windows issue. Whether DS can do anything to ameliorate it I don't know.
Ahhh, i gotcha. I for sure have Windows. Thanks for the info Richard.