Screen Navigation Tool Problems

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

Over the last few days I've had a real problem with my screen navaigation. I attempt to rotate in a direction and BOOM my camera view is under my environment or far to the left. It's like as soon as I click and begin to drag, it says "No, start again from this random spot BWAH HAHA HA HA!!" Has anyone else run into that? Is this a RAM issue maybe? I have 24 GB of RAM. Any tips would be much appreciated. It's kind of a VERY frustrating thing.


  • Yes, this is a known issue - it is apparently a Windows/mouse driver issue though that is not undisputed. Some people have said that clicking and holding for a moment before starting to drag will help.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Good tip. I'll try to take a deep breath before I start. You say it's a known issue? As in a recent bug that's been detected and "we're working on it" or "one of those things that happens sometimes and well, just Daz on." I'll take either answer, was just curious.

  • It is not a DS bug, according to the developers, and the mouse handling code did not change to trigger it - it also affects some other applications, so the conclusion is that it is a Windows issue. Whether DS can do anything to ameliorate it I don't know.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Ahhh, i gotcha. I for sure have Windows. Thanks for the info Richard.

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