Weird Spring Issue with Beach Cafe Construction Kit

I love this set! Reminds me of Pensacola.  
But I'm having a weird issue with the walk-up service window on Building #5 (and the others that I've tested).  When I slide either glass panel open using the appropriately-named slider to set up a pose for it, the panel immediately snaps shut again. But it doesn't reset the control slider.  In addition there appears to be some kind of weird interaction between the left and right panels, in that when I slide one, the other will pop to the fully-open position until I mouse-up on the slider. Then they'll both snap shut again.  

I've looked through the Parameters tab and I don't spot any controllers or anything unusual hooked up to the window.  I've never seen this behavior on a DAZ item before, and I have no idea what's going on.  Is this ringing a bell with anyone?

-- dan 


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