Trouble understanding how to use a dForce dress

I would like to get the dress below, try to fit it onto a G3 female (don't know whether that's possible) and adjust it to a pose. In the description is says I need to run a simulation... anyone know whether a 'simulation" makes a dress magically fit my pose?  And if this dress might work on a G3F?  Thank you guys!!!


  • That's a texture set, not the dress. The Dress is for Genesis 3 but you could probably make it work - load the dress, but don't AutoFit it (just cancel the dialogue), then pose the Genesis 3 Female to fit inside the dress (probably mostly a matter or lowering the arms). Once the figure fits the dress go to Edit>Figure>Memorise>Memorise Figure Pose, then apply the pose you actually want the figure in. In Simulation Settings, make sure that Start Bones from Memeorised Pose is on and click the big Simulate button.

  • Thank you Richard! Ok, so I click the simulate button and the dress magically looks good on the pose and figure I stick it on? That's basically the special ingredient of dForce when it comes to still images, right - it makes stuff look good without posing the cloth manually?

  • Not magically, but it should chug through calculating the drape and you should end up with soemthing good - though make sure the pose doesn't have body parts stuck into other parts as that can make the dress explode.

  • I can't wait to try this!!!! Thank you!!!!!  Is it true that this can work with non dForce ready outfits...?

  • Yes, but how well will depend on the oufit. There's good chance any buttons will fall off, for example, though that is fixable, and some items are simply not stitched together and will split or break apart when simulated.

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