Arranging UI Gizmos in the main DAZ Studio viewport

Arranging UI Gizmos in the main DAZ Studio viewport, how do you do that?

I want to move the gizmos for 'viewport preview style', the cube that changes view direction,  and the 6 gizmo icons to the right of the view cube on the right hand edge of the viewport all to the left hand edge of the viewport under the posing / pin-unpin sphere that's in the top left hand corner when a bone is selected. Actually I would like to move that pose sphere to be directly underneath the view cube.

How do I do that and save that UI layout in the viewport to be my defaul viewport layout?



  • That isn't possible. You can dock the pickers and the control icons at the top (via the pane's option menu) but that is the limit of movability. You could make a feature request for more.

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