Listing purchased 3D content.

I've encountered a problem with Install Manager. After this last oh-so-crucial update, it now sees only about 350 installed products, where before it could see over 800.  In the "ready to download" category, it shows 185 products where there should be over 300.

Here's the problem.  I'm trying to compose a list of all my purchases to submit to Daz and show them exactly what's going wrong.  I know how to make a list of products from DIM. I've got a list of what DIM sees as installed and ready to dowload.

What I want to do is make a list of all my purchases from the Product Library on "My Account."  Can that be done?  Or does this require some old school searching and typing? (Not looking forward to that, because somehow I bought a lot more stuff than I thought I did...)

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