RAW massive morphs gen 8 male teeth?

Can someone look at the teeth in the Massive definition dial. https://www.daz3d.com/massive-morphs-for-genesis-8-male
I really love the massive morphs, but think the teeth may be conflicting with other morphs I have or just acting strangely.
The morph in question is: Massive Definition
I'm also wondering if this is intentional? I would love to use this morph, but I prefer the standard teeth and for my muscle morphs to not alter the teeth.

RAW sans.png
700 x 800 - 988K

700 x 800 - 1M
Post edited by Serene Night on
Here's what I see.
Without Massive Morphs definition
With massive morphs definition
That looks like what happens when you forget to turn off the realistic mouth morph before exporting.
message him with the bug
Yes, using the geometry editor to select morphed vertices confirms that the massive definition morph affects the teeth. You can favorite the morph, select the teeth in vertex mode and clear the selected deltas to remove the effect. You’d have to overwrite/save the morph to retain the changes for future use. Not sure if that’s a problem, given it’s a HD morph, but I imagine it’s possible.
Thanks I put in a work request for this... But they sent me an automatic response they are backlogged with requests right now and may not be able to get to it for the forseeable future. =-)
I will try your solution REDZ although I confess I'm not a very good at that sort of thing.
How does one access Vertex mode?
Using the default layout, when you open the geometry editor, there are three icons in the top left corner, for polygon, edge or vertex selection. Alternatively, right click in the preview window and choose geometry selection, convert selection, convert to vertex selection. Then the right click- morph editing- Clear Selected Deltas from Favorites becomes accessible.
Thanks I’ll try that when I get home. I use that morph all the time but don’t want the teeth warping =-)