The DforceMaster ClothPreset
After buying the Dforce Master ClothPreset I felt annoyed, because the add said, do the thing then click Dforce M simulation and things would be great. Blop, wrong.
If you cannot find the user manual, download it manually, on the desktop, open zipfile, content, readme, drag to desktop --the manual, and read it carefully. It is really simple, and the result is excellent: a bold genises 3 on the floor with uniform where the pockets are softly full and the uni follows the form. The various sliders that appear if the Dforce dynamic surface is added correct, should be adjusted hence it gives an extra point.
Are there any old users that says there is no difference or it can be made otherwise better or combined with, so on ?
Like Daz3D says, happy Dforcing
If any of the old windsharks got any hints or clues, they are welcome to add here.
What problem do you have with it?
Did you apply the DForce Dynamic Modifier to the cloth first?
This looks very explanatory
Hello Seeker273 and Daz3D users,
Well, it is a little sad writing this message, but that how things are.
After reinstalling Daz3d, the graphic drivers, virusscanned and defragmented the drive, it still wont work. It metaphorical speaking, it is like giving back the keys to a really nice cadillac :(
It Dforce Mastered a few times, but since then it has been nothing but a barrel of trouble. Crashes, stalls and even driver stall/crashes. So it is pretty simple, either I get a new graphic card or return this delicate feature, which makes things look amazing(!!!) when rendered without any problems. The female nurses uniform had some really vivid aspects :P -giggle- Yes, I forgot at first hand to add the d-force dynamic surface, but
I am not really sure why it keeps bugging, I adjusted the simulation-settings, it worked for a while, then it crashed again and froze again and so on. First time I´ve seen a uniform so smooth and real, pockets had the real dimensions, not a spot on the newly polished hood of this car. But then it goes all frenzy, stall and the works.... sad.
After reading the requirements I am a little stunned, I have a selfmade pc:
amd 6300 black edition, 990fx extreme sports motherboard, xfx 6950 hd radeon that runs 3d blueray, virtual googlesomething that I cannot afford and loads of other aspects, but with 1gb ram on it. 16gb ram ballistix and a WD 500gb HDD. Pretty weird it should not cope with Daz3D... Even with overclocked aspects and topspeed at cpu, it doesn´t work.
But I will state very positively that when it worked, the dforce Master really showed who was a Master.
I think it is a graphiccard issue, like you wrote above, the step-by-step handling of the dForceMaster it is pretty easy to add onto the desired clothes, but my computer stalls and occasionally states the driver files crashed. Strange for a 200 dollar graphic card.
Finishing of with a sad mine and dry mouth, I must conclude that my pc just aint good enough for this one. If other users have better pc´s or experience no problems at all, well, Dforce Master ClothPreset is a brilliant touch and delivers. But if you simulate from memopoint it takes decades and in many cases it has crashed or freezed, cruely at the ends or midway. I am gonna write the tech department :D
Have fun anyhow if it works on your.
Hello again,
Thanks for clue and a quick addon to that is that if you cant find the manual, download manually and browse the zipfile, where it is in...ehm, content, readme.
Like Seeker273 wrote and linked, it is very easy to use and of course experimenting leads to results, you know the drill.
I am not sure the previous message I wrote will be posted, but I will remessage and be brief.
Problems with having this cadilllac going, cause it freezes, stalls and sometimes simply jst shuts down. Just now, 5minutes ago, I took the old slaveway and let it simulate even with from last memorypose, now the figure is in a position with a delicate simulated cloth.
Looking to figure 1 attached, note she lost her keys, the simulation is good and pretty realistic, and adding here is that the pose is selfmade aswell as the genises3 female is asian selfmade. The problem briefly is an huge amount of crashes stalls and freezes that makes this product useless on my machine:
AMD FX6300 black edition, XFX HD6950 with 3d and 3dblueray and lots of other things ...that I cant afford with 1gb mem, 16gb ram and 990fx extreme Mboard.
So it is pretty weird it causes so many issues.
If you have a light-end computer, I am not sure this limosine will work correctly or if it did it would prob. take ages to works. Anyone else got problems using this new delicate fruit from Daz3D ? It is really sad, cause it gives a lovely dimension to the Studio.
Tomorrow I will write tech.depart. to get some help on all of these problems, again great product, but it appears to be for the high-end users, not mid or lite end computers...
Have a good day when it shines
I don't think your problem is with the cloth presets, that I don't own, but with dForce in general.
I have a slow computer as well and to be honest, dForce is a problem for me as well. It keeps crashing my graphic cards driver, blue screens of death, exploding clothing etc. Just be sure to keep your DS updated because they're making improvements to it.
We just have to wait while they iron out the kinks and I'm sure the tech department can give much bettter help than anyone here can.
Did you try contacting EcVh0? I've followed many threads about his products and he's always willing to help.