Duplicate Global IDs question

So I have been adding all of my third party content and custom kitbashed characters in Smart Content by creating products/editing meta data.  One thing I noticed is that the Global ID is randomly generated and often I will try to generate a new key by refreshing it a few times.  But I was checking logs and found that some items from DAZ are coming up with duplicate errors.

My question is whether or not there a utility or program that I could use to open the Database and figure out what items are duplicates.  I have well over 100 custom products at this point, so it would be really time consuming and tedious to edit each one of those in the hopes that I can get a new unique ID for each.



  • mkingmking Posts: 0

    You could use PostgreSQL admin program -> https://www.pgadmin.org/

    Somewhere I have notes about how to get into the Daz metadata database, but it was from before my pc crash... I'll see if I can find it, but I'm pretty sure I found it on the internet somewhere in the first place...

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