DForce and bed covers

I'm using Modern Bed 2 and want to achive that a person lie under the bed cover.
The idea is just to move the bed cover over the person
and start the simulation (set Start Bones From Memorized Pose to Off in the simulation).
But the result is
as wished
I figured out that they are parameters for item with dynamic surface.
Is it possible to get with this parameters the wished result? If yes, has some a hint for me? Every try costs me currently 5 mintues, because this simulatioin nearly crash my system

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-04 um 16.56.29.png
2670 x 1706 - 2M

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-04 um 17.00.04.png
2732 x 2028 - 2M

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-04 um 17.03.52.png
1262 x 1696 - 351K
My guess (!) would be, that the special form of the bedsheet might cause problems there. I would try the following:
Hello Maik,
thank you very much for you answer.
Shortly before you replay I discorded the primitive plane feature (this was a feature which I found yesterday for creating environments with D-Formers) and thought the same as you.
And yes, it's working, but a plane itself is to flat for a normal bed sheet.
The soltion was using primitive cube. I just scaled the cube to bed sheet shape down. It's important to uncheck "self collision", then it's working like a charme.
Uhhh nice... this was released today. Excatly what I searched!