Can't install DAZ or DIM Windows 10

I cannot install Daz 4.1 or DIM
I figured I had to uninstall the older versions first, but that I had a difficult time uninstalling Daz 4.9 and the previous version of DIM on Windows 10.
I had to remove all the files through the registry and download secondary uninstallers to achieve this.
But I still can't install DAZ or DIM. When I click the I file DAZStudio_4.10.0.123_Win64 (or 32bit, I tried both) It asks if I would like to let this program make changes to my blah blah blah and I click ok.
Then nothing happens, I tried running as administrator too but still nothing. And now I have no DAZ or DIM.
I can install other programs just fine. But not DAZ or DIM.
Someone please help!
Had you previously tried running as administrator? That can cause serious issues. What security software are you running?