Can't install DAZ or DIM Windows 10

I cannot install Daz 4.1 or DIM

I figured I had to uninstall the older versions first, but that I had a difficult time uninstalling Daz 4.9 and the previous version of DIM on Windows 10. 
I had to remove all the files through the registry and download secondary uninstallers to achieve this. 

But I still can't install DAZ or DIM. When I click the I file DAZStudio_4.10.0.123_Win64 (or 32bit, I tried both) It asks if I would like to let this program make changes to my blah blah  blah and I click ok.

Then nothing happens, I tried running as administrator too but still nothing. And now I have no DAZ or DIM.

I can install other programs just fine. But not DAZ or DIM.

Someone please help!


  • Had you previously tried running as administrator? That can cause serious issues. What security software are you running?

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