Zeroing specific character morphs?

If you have downloaded a character but do not like the stomach or chest is there a way to zero or remove those specific morphs? Im just wanting to reset specific areas  back to gen 3 default while maintaining the rest of the character morphs, so i can then go in and use area specific morphs without them colliding with the built in character morphs.


  • Are you looking at a character with a single custom morph or created using other morphs packs?

  • Not sure. How would I approach either situation to reach my desired goal?

  • If it was created from standard morphs - such as the Body Morphs for the figure - then you'd just need to find the undesired morph (which should appear in the Currently Used group in the Editor tab of the Parameters pane) and zero it/them (type a zero value, or click the slider with Alt(Win)/opt(Mac) held down).

    If it was a single shape that did everything then if you wanted to go back to the base shape in the affected areas you could do it by selecting all the vertices with the Geoemtry Editor tool, making the morph a favourite, and using the remove deltas from favourites command (though that would leave a hard transition) or by exporting as OBJ, setting up a dForm with a weight map that selected the areas you wanted to keep, and using Morph Loader pro to reload the morph with the weight map used to attenuate the effect. If that is what you want I can go into more detail.

    If you want aspects of the morph (the overall shape say) but to lose others (defined abs say) then there isn't really a simple way - you would need to use a modelling or sculpting application to adjust the shape, then you could load that as a new morph or updated version of the morph.

  • Gotcha. Thank you.

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